[tm-rg] Tony Fletcher's resignation as a co-chair of the GGF TM-RG

Tony Fletcher tony.fletcher at choreology.com
Thu Jul 28 15:29:30 CDT 2005

Dear David,
I regret to have to confirm that which I understand you have already been
told verbally at GGF14 (or else when).  Due to a change in my employment
situation, I am no longer able to properly carry out the duties of a
co-chair of a GGF group.  In particular it is unlikely at present that I
shall be supported to attend any further GGF meetings - much to my regret -
I have enjoyed and learnt a lot from the ones I have been able to attend.
I have enjoyed being co-chair and an editor for this small but relatively
active group.  I have been a member since its formation back in Berlin
(GGF10 March 2004) - I only wish that I had been able to give much longer
service as a co-chair.
As you already know, I am sure, my resignation comes at a time when the
other co-chair (and founding member) Torsten Steinbach, is also having to
step down as he now has other work to do.  As we lack a volunteer to take
over from us, we have decided to close the group down in a controlled manner
even though we have not really fully fulfilled the charter and could
therefore usefully continue.  We hope that the OGSA Data Working Group will
include consideration of transactions in their work and I understand a
useful meeting on the transactions topic was held as a joint session between
the two groups at the recent GGF14 in Chicago.  I shall stay active in the
group until we have completed the close down.
With regrets and Best Regards     Tony
A M Fletcher
Tel: +44 (0) 1473 729537   Mobile: +44 (0) 7801 948219
 tony.fletcher at choreology.com    amfletcher at iee.org       (also
tony_fletcher at btopenworld.com)
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