End all tasks before starting

MichaelMacKian-ml at mackian.freeserve.co.uk MichaelMacKian-ml at mackian.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Dec 9 19:18:25 PST 2019

>From: Steve Black   - webworker at grapemail.net
>Subject:  ScanDisk and Defrag aren't working. What do I do?

This is usually caused by something modifying the disk
contents so the program says 'whoops!' and starts all over

Particular sinners are screen savers - turn them off when
doing a defrag - and programs like Task Scheduler, FindFast
and Promotivator.

Press ctl-alt-del (once!) to bring up a list of open programs,
highlight a program that looks suspect and press 'end task',
then go back and do the next one.  (Don't press Shut Down,
because that shuts the whole darned computer down!)

For a guide on which ones you can safely turn off in this
way, send a blank email to mkncys at fastresponse.com

Good luck!

Michael MacKian
Sshhh!! - I've found the secret of making
money on the internet.......



Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL
trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,
there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at
these successful sites/programs other members are involved in...

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For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
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>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<

Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!


Site #132:  http://www.essjayar.co.uk/
stuart.reid at ntlworld.com

Site #133:  http://www.gems-gifts.com
Michael Blanchette
mfj at netway.com

Site #134:  http://www.LenSeiderInc.com
Len Seider
Lenseider at cs.com

Site #135:  http://www.alabastercove.com
webmaster at alabastercove.com



Comments on Site #131: http://www.webwitness.homestead.com
John Stitzel
oldstitz at yahoo.com

I liked how this site was focused on one subject.  The text 
on the home page made it clear what the site was about and 
what I would find within its pages.  Well done, most people 
don't get that right.

Suggestions:  move the navigation buttons from the bottom 
of the page to the left side, they get lost in all those banners.  
Also there are way too many banners and graphics on each 
page.  The graphics are too large and really make the pages 
slow loading.  Your logo 'Witness on the Web' is over 100K
alone.  Your entire page, with all the graphics on it, should 
not be that large.  Also if you are going to embed a sound 
file on the page please give us an option of turning it off.  

Hope I'm not coming off too negative - it is an attractive 
site with a nice use of color and text.  I think its a great start.

Webwitness loaded very slow.  I think you'll lose visitors 
who don't want to wait, and that would be a shame. Optimize 
the graphics, and maybe use smaller pictures or eliminate 
some to speed up the loading time. Move your links to the 
top of the page. 

John, I really enjoyed your site, but I think with a few changes
it could be improved.  I would definitely recommend moving 
your link buttons to the left side column so visitors don't 
have to scroll way way down to the bottom of the page to 
visit the other pages.

On your purposestatement page, you don't need the bright 
blue 'welcome.' It doesn't match the rest ofthe page, and 
visitors have already been welcomed at the home page.

On your testimony page I saw a link to your mailing list. 
Have this as a separate link button to make it more 
noticeable and get more people to sign up. Also, you might 
want to add a 'recommend to a friend' link. 

I liked your left column borders, and they did relate nicely, 
but I think they made the pages load slooowly. If you stuck 
with one border, I'm thinking it would speed up the loading 
of all the pages.

I liked the name of your website, it went well with your 
subject and focus. Some things I really enjoyed - your 
personal touch and message throughout the site, the 
calming feeling of the design, the testimonies. In fact, 
just keep building the content - it's great. With some 
changes to the layout, and contacting other sites for 
trading links you'll have a successful website.

This site needs desperately to optimize all graphics.
I waited and waited and it never did completely load.

First impression while uploading: very appealing  as the
border came up immediately. Then the doves showed up
and I did not like them at all. Takes up time to load and
distracts from the text. I would not have them. If you feel
you just have to have doves, stick to the static picture.
No animation.

The "witness on the web" Logo took forever to load up.
Could that be done in just writing, without the background
or what ever slows it down?

The opening portion  one sees initially before scrolling looks
good except for the doves up on top.  But when one scrolls
down to all these banners, links etc, things get really confusing.
Would there be a way you can have a few link buttons that
go to additional pages rather then to have all of this clutter
down below? I never did link to any of the other pages or sites.
Hope this helps.
moderator: Amy Mossel:  Moderator at AEOpublishing.com
posting:  MyInput at AEOpublishing.com

Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
   mailto:MyInput at AEOpublishing.com
Please send suggestions and comments to:
   mailto:Moderator at AEOpublishing.com

To change your subscribed address, send both new
and old address to mailto:Moderator at AEOpublishing.com
See below for unsubscribe instructions.

Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing

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<br>Today's Special Announcement:
<p>EARN 50% Commissions Selling the Hottest Product on the Internet!!
<br>That's right!! Information is King and you can Earn from the Best.
<br>Internet Marketing Expert Rick Beneteau shares with you the
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<br>his Powerful eBook, The Ezine Marketing Machine, and
<br>EARN whopping 50% Commissions!! Become Rick's Partner.
<br>Click here:  <a href="http://www.ezinemoney.net/sgx/d.cgi?2042">http://www.ezinemoney.net/sgx/d.cgi?2042</a>
		<p><p>>> Q & A
<br>    - html code for simple application/join form?
<p>   ANSWERS:
<br>     - ScanDisk and Defrag aren't working. What
do I do?
<br>           Ed: Other
choices in software might work better
<br>           M. MacKian:
End all tasks before starting
<br>     - Sites to Review: #131, #132, #133, #134
& #135!
<br>     - Site #130 Reviewed!
<p>>>>>>> <b>QUESTIONS & ANSWERS</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Do you a burning question about promoting your website, html design,</i>
<br><i>or anything that is hindering your online success? Submit your questions</i>
<br><i>to <a href="mailto:MyInput at AEOpublishing.com">MyInput at AEOpublishing.com</a></i>
<br><i>Are you net savvy? Have you learned from your own trials and errors</i>
<br><i>and are willing to share your experience? Look over the questions
<br><i>day, and if you have an answer or can provide help, post your answer
<br><i><a href="mailto:MyInput at AEOpublishing.com">MyInput at AEOpublishing.com</a>
Be sure to include your signature file so</i>
<br><i>you get credit (and exposure to your site).</i>
<p>From:  Exim Wawasan   - spc at pl.jaring.my
<br>Subject:  html code for simple application/join form?
<p>Dear Subscribers,
<p>I have a question that is hindering my online progress and success.
<p>I have been trying to build my own webpage with a simple
<br>application form with inputs of First Name, Last Name Email
<br>Address and a click "submit" button.
<p>I have an email account on the same free web site provider
<br>and my own email account.  The application form is to be
<br>submitted either to my mail box on the same website or to
<br>my own email box. How to write and create the html codes
<br>for this simple application form?
<p>I enclose below the html codes for form, I will appreciate very
<br>much if you could kindly advise,  comment and pick out the
<br>mistakes or make due corrections or amendments.
<p>All coding is between '[' and ']' instead of the less than and greater
<br>than signs to avoid any conflict in the newsletter.
<br>[FORM ACTION=http://www.yourdomain.com method=POST]
<br>[input type=hidden name="mail_to" value="your email address"]
<br>[input type=hidden name="subject" value=
<br>      "I would like to join your program for
<br>[input type=hidden name="required" value="firstname,lastname,email"]
<br>[table][tr][tr][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i]Frist name[/i]
<br>[td][input] type="text" size="25" name="firstname"][/td][/tr][/tr]
<br>[tr][td][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i]Last name[/i][/td][td][input type="text"
<br>size="25" name="lastname"][/td][/tr][/tr]
<br>[tr][tr][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i]Email Address[/i][/td][/td][input type="text"
<br>size="25" name="email"][/td][/tr]/tr]
<br>[tr][td ALIGN=RIGHT][i][/i][/td][/td][/tr]
<br>[center][input type="SUBMIT" value="Join for Free"][/form]
<p>Thank you. Best regards.
<br>Ng Lye Fong
<br>spc at pl.jaring.my
<p>From:  Paradigm Web Design   - ed at lakesplus.com
<br>Subject:  Other choices in software might work better
<p>>From: Steve Black   - webworker at grapemail.net
<br>>Subject:  ScanDisk and Defrag aren't working. What do I do?
<br>>I am having a problem running maintainence on my computer.
<br>>ScanDisk and Defrag seem to keep running over and over
<br>>without any results. Also, my clock kicks back an hour ever
<br>>once in a while for no apparrent reason.  Has anyone else
<br>>ever ran into these problems?  Any suggestions?
<p>Before trying to defrag or run Scan disk, be sure to exit every
<br>single application that may be runing in the background.
<br>Right click all the little icons on the right side of your task
<br>bar and exit those applications.
<p>The Defrag and Scan disk that comes with Windows isn't
<br>very good. I would suggest searching http://zdnet.com for
<br>others. There are many free or low-cost programs that will
<br>handle this job for you much more efficiently.
<p>ReG at rds,
<br>Paradigm Web Design
<br>Because an effective website doesn't have to be costly.
<br><a href="http://ParadigmWebDesign.net">http://ParadigmWebDesign.net</a>
<br>Subscribe to Web Sm at rts
<br><a href="http://paradigmwebdesign.net/subscribe.html">http://paradigmwebdesign.net/subscribe.html</a>
<p><b>++++ Next Answer - Same Question ++++</b>
<p>From:  Michael MacKian   - ml at mackian.freeserve.co.uk
<br>Subject:  End all tasks before starting
<p>>From: Steve Black   - webworker at grapemail.net
<br>>Subject:  ScanDisk and Defrag aren't working. What do I do?
<p>This is usually caused by something modifying the disk
<br>contents so the program says 'whoops!' and starts all over
<p>Particular sinners are screen savers - turn them off when
<br>doing a defrag - and programs like Task Scheduler, FindFast
<br>and Promotivator.
<p>Press ctl-alt-del (once!) to bring up a list of open programs,
<br>highlight a program that looks suspect and press 'end task',
<br>then go back and do the next one.  (Don't press Shut Down,
<br>because that shuts the whole darned computer down!)
<p>For a guide on which ones you can safely turn off in this
<br>way, send a blank email to mkncys at fastresponse.com
<p>Good luck!
<p>Michael MacKian
<br>Sshhh!! - I've found the secret of making
<br>money on the internet.......
<br><a href="http://reduce.to/puregold">http://reduce.to/puregold</a>
<p>>>>>>> <b>WEBSITE SHOWCASES</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL</i>
<br><i>trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,</i>
<br><i>there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at</i>
<br><i>these successful sites/programs other members are involved in..</i>
<p>CashPO is Paid E-Mail Central!
<br>Get FREE REFERRALS, _KEEP_ referrals when new
<br>programs are added; free advertising to other
<br>members, and soon chances to win cash!
<br><a href="http://www.cashpo.net/CashPO/openpage.php4?c=2">http://www.cashpo.net/CashPO/openpage.php4?c=2</a>
<p>     *** FREE MP3 PLAYER ***
<br>FREE Sony MP3 Digital Stereo Player & More
<br>Everything is FREE at iRewards
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<p>For a limited time only, we are offering --TWO-- FREE eBooks
<br>to show you how to MAKE MONEY ON THE INTERNET!
<br>Use our PROVEN, DUPLICATABLE methods to get in on
<br>this EXPLODING opportunity now!  Visit us at:
<br><a href="http://www.Abundance-Group.com">http://www.Abundance-Group.com</a>
to collect your FREE offers!
<br>Trade Links - <a href="mailto:Gina at AbundanceGroup.com">Gina at AbundanceGroup.com</a>
<p><i>If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality</i>
<br><i>merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your</i>
<br><i>target audience!</i>
<p><i>For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you</i>
<br><i>can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...</i>
<br><i>Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!</i>
<br><i>Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a</i>
<br><i>first come, first serve basis. <a href="http://bannersgomlm.com/ezine">http://bannersgomlm.com/ezine</a></i>
<p>>>>>>> <b>MEMBER *REVIEWS*</b> <<<<<<
<p>Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
<br>you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
<br>And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
<br>the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
<br>some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
<br>Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
<br>a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
<p><b>SITES TO REVIEW:</b>
<p>Site #132:  <a href="http://www.essjayar.co.uk/">http://www.essjayar.co.uk/</a>
<br>stuart.reid at ntlworld.com
<p>Site #133:  <a href="http://www.gems-gifts.com">http://www.gems-gifts.com</a>
<br>Michael Blanchette
<br>mfj at netway.com
<p>Site #134:  <a href="http://www.LenSeiderInc.com">http://www.LenSeiderInc.com</a>
<br>Len Seider
<br>Lenseider at cs.com
<p>Site #135:  <a href="http://www.alabastercove.com">http://www.alabastercove.com</a>
<br>webmaster at alabastercove.com
<p><b>SITE  REVIEWED!</b>
<p>Comments on Site #131: <a href="http://www.webwitness.homestead.com">http://www.webwitness.homestead.com</a>
<br>John Stitzel
<br>oldstitz at yahoo.com
<p>I liked how this site was focused on one subject.  The text
<br>on the home page made it clear what the site was about and
<br>what I would find within its pages.  Well done, most people
<br>don't get that right.
<p>Suggestions:  move the navigation buttons from the bottom
<br>of the page to the left side, they get lost in all those banners.
<br>Also there are way too many banners and graphics on each
<br>page.  The graphics are too large and really make the pages
<br>slow loading.  Your logo 'Witness on the Web' is over 100K
<br>alone.  Your entire page, with all the graphics on it, should
<br>not be that large.  Also if you are going to embed a sound
<br>file on the page please give us an option of turning it off.
<p>Hope I'm not coming off too negative - it is an attractive
<br>site with a nice use of color and text.  I think its a great start.
<p>Webwitness loaded very slow.  I think you'll lose visitors
<br>who don't want to wait, and that would be a shame. Optimize
<br>the graphics, and maybe use smaller pictures or eliminate
<br>some to speed up the loading time. Move your links to the
<br>top of the page.
<p>John, I really enjoyed your site, but I think with a few changes
<br>it could be improved.  I would definitely recommend moving
<br>your link buttons to the left side column so visitors don't
<br>have to scroll way way down to the bottom of the page to
<br>visit the other pages.
<p>On your purposestatement page, you don't need the bright
<br>blue 'welcome.' It doesn't match the rest ofthe page, and
<br>visitors have already been welcomed at the home page.
<p>On your testimony page I saw a link to your mailing list.
<br>Have this as a separate link button to make it more
<br>noticeable and get more people to sign up. Also, you might
<br>want to add a 'recommend to a friend' link.
<p>I liked your left column borders, and they did relate nicely,
<br>but I think they made the pages load slooowly. If you stuck
<br>with one border, I'm thinking it would speed up the loading
<br>of all the pages.
<p>I liked the name of your website, it went well with your
<br>subject and focus. Some things I really enjoyed - your
<br>personal touch and message throughout the site, the
<br>calming feeling of the design, the testimonies. In fact,
<br>just keep building the content - it's great. With some
<br>changes to the layout, and contacting other sites for
<br>trading links you'll have a successful website.
<p>This site needs desperately to optimize all graphics.
<br>I waited and waited and it never did completely load.
<p>First impression while uploading: very appealing  as the
<br>border came up immediately. Then the doves showed up
<br>and I did not like them at all. Takes up time to load and
<br>distracts from the text. I would not have them. If you feel
<br>you just have to have doves, stick to the static picture.
<br>No animation.
<p>The "witness on the web" Logo took forever to load up.
<br>Could that be done in just writing, without the background
<br>or what ever slows it down?
<p>The opening portion  one sees initially before scrolling looks
<br>good except for the doves up on top.  But when one scrolls
<br>down to all these banners, links etc, things get really confusing.
<br>Would there be a way you can have a few link buttons that
<br>go to additional pages rather then to have all of this clutter
<br>down below? I never did link to any of the other pages or sites.
<br>Hope this helps.
		<p><br>moderator: Amy Mossel  <a href="mailto:Moderator at AEOpublishing.com">Moderator</a>
<br>posting:   <a href="mailto:MyInput at AEOpublishing.com">MyInput at AEOpublishing.com</a>
<p>Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
<br>   <a href="mailto:MyInput at AEOpublishing.com">MyInput at AEOpublishing.com</a>
<br>Please send suggestions and comments to:
<br>   <a href="mailto:Moderator at AEOpublishing.com">Moderator at AEOpublishing.com</a>
<p>To change your subscribed address, send both new
<br>and old address to <a href="mailto:Moderator at AEOpublishing.com">Moderator at AEOpublishing.com</a>
<br>See below for unsubscribe instructions.
<p>Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
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