You can hide the query string

DavidBridgewater-ndc at DavidBridgewater-ndc at
Mon Dec 9 19:18:25 PST 2019

>From: LBailey   - lbailey at
>Subject: Any help with Cold Fusion?  (Issue #428)
>One of the web sites I administer was developed with
>Cold Fusion 4.0.  I need to know how to code the index.cfm
>pages, so that the long path name does not display in the
>browser's address box.  I often have links from advertisers
>to this site that are long and ugly.

For the answer of ugly links on urls of your advertisers. You
can hide the query string on these urls but not the directory
links.  If you need assistance on getting this done we do cold
fusion consulting for very reasonable prices.

    TT Internet Solutions
    contact our CTO
    Mike Hughes
    mike at

David Bridgewater
Independent Internet Consultant



Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL
trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,
there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at
these successful sites/programs other members are involved in...

Fire Your Boss and Work at Home! Use your computer to Earn
$125 - $175 per hour! FULL TRAINING. Vacations, bonuses and
incentives. Download your FREE E-BOOK NOW

Get immediate FREE exposure on thousands of sites.
Plus two FREE programs that will AUTOMATICALLY
type your ad for you! Pay one time, promote all the time.

CIGARETTES GO $MLM$ FREESamples AND Customer Membership
$5 OFF 1st Order, 600+ Varieties from $9.95 per carton!
BusOP Seekers - Cigarettes are the ultimate consumable!
High customer retention insures a steady residual income
Trade Links - tradlinks at

If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality
merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your
target audience!

For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you
can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...
Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!
Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a
first come, first serve basis.

>>>>>> MEMBER *REVIEWS* <<<<<<

Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!


Site #131:
John Stitzel
oldstitz at

Site #132:
stuart.reid at

Site #133:
Michael Blanchette
mfj at

Site #134:
Len Seider
Lenseider at

Site #135:
webmaster at



Comments on Site #130:
LauriGal47 at

This site was like a 'favorites' page, so I have suggestions
to improve or add to the site. But, I also could not figure
out the focus of this site, so keep that in mind while
reading my suggestions.

At the top of the page is said "Flame's Hearth II" which
leaves me to assume there is a page "I" - if so, link to it.
There was no introduction, explaining what I would get
out of scrolling down through the site, so in effect, no
reason for me to see more than what I could in the first
screen area.

There was a lot of blank space between the categories,
which makes the page seem longer. And explanations
by the links telling me why those were your favorite
pages, or what links were brand new would have been
helpful.  Maybe date the free sample links.

Kind of a neat page of freebies.  Not too cluttered. Liked it.

First Impression: BLAND,

Seems obvious that Lauri is very new at this and is using a
cookie cutter web-builder. Well, Lauri I am still pretty green
behind the ears myself and need the cookie cutters, too.

If your web-builder allows you variety in color, fonts, adding
pictures etc, play around and bring excitement into this site.
I am not really sure what you expect the results to be for your
site? Purpose? for example: I have this site to share free stuff
as a means to get visitors so I can then offer other stuff
which I am selling.

If that is the case, instead of  leading with your favorite
sites (which are not all that exciting either), why not do a site
which gets traffic because your main emphasis is on the FREE
stuff?  Or on what ever your site's purpose is.

Your website address is pretty iffy. You could benefit from
a domain name here.

Lauri, I am not putting you down, I congratulate you for
taking the step. That is how we learn. Just play with it, look
for tools, ask others how they do it, etc., and over time you'll
get okay at that. The more sites you review yourself, the
better you will get. Also, consider to find a local kid (they
are so good at that stuff) who can be hired for a few dollars
to help you.  My children did my
site, artwork and all. I hope this helps you.

I liked the layout of the site - it was easy to read
but it wasn't very inviting.  I think it needs more
colours and perhaps some graphics or even small
promotional banners down the right side.

This looks like a first attempt for someone building a web
page, and is missing some basic and necessary information
to be viewed by more than family and friends. If LaurieGal
wants to get traffic to her site she needs to add meta tags
and specific keywords, contact information, and some
wording that shows personality or uniqueness.

The links are good links, and specializing in finding free
products to order off the internet is a good idea, but there
are a million sites that do this. An introduction or personal
comments about each product or link would be helpful
and set this site apart.

The colors are easy to view, the layout clean and easy to
scroll through, but this site doesn't have any personality.

Nice simple design, soft colors. To make this site seem
bigger and not just a one page site, maybe create a separate
page for each category, and add a one line description
after each link.
moderator: Amy Mossel:  Moderator at
posting:  MyInput at

Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
   mailto:MyInput at
Please send suggestions and comments to:
   mailto:Moderator at

To change your subscribed address, send both new
and old address to mailto:Moderator at
See below for unsubscribe instructions.

Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing

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<br>Today's Special Announcement:
<p>ALL the BIG Internet Marketing 'Stars' have one thing
<br>in common - they make their fortunes because they've
<br>taken the time to Brand NOT just their products, but
<br>Themselves!! Rick Beneteau's new book teaches you
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		<p><p>>> Q & A
<br>    - How can I get a response to my advertising?
<p>   ANSWERS:
<br>     - ScanDisk and Defrag aren't working. What
do I do?
<br>           B. Bilton:
Conflicts w/ software can cause problems
<br>     - Any help with Cold Fusion?
<br>           D. Bridgewater:
You can hide the query string
<br>     - Sites to Review: #131, #132, #133, #134
& #135!
<br>     - Site #130 Reviewed!
<p>>>>>>> <b>QUESTIONS & ANSWERS</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Do you a burning question about promoting your website, html design,</i>
<br><i>or anything that is hindering your online success? Submit your questions</i>
<br><i>to <a href="mailto:MyInput at">MyInput at</a></i>
<br><i>Are you net savvy? Have you learned from your own trials and errors</i>
<br><i>and are willing to share your experience? Look over the questions
<br><i>day, and if you have an answer or can provide help, post your answer
<br><i><a href="mailto:MyInput at">MyInput at</a>
Be sure to include your signature file so</i>
<br><i>you get credit (and exposure to your site).</i>
<p>From:  Rebecca Wolf   - rebeccawolf at
<br>Subject:  How can I get a response to my advertising?
<p>I have sent out over 15 million ads, using every free ad page on
<br>the net and not got a single answer. Please tell me what's wrong.
<p>They are looking like this:
<br>1  Upgrade you life with SMALLBIZFFA for only 37 dollars
<br>ones!       (then the website address)
<p>2 For only 5 dollars invest, you can now Bulkmail for free
<br>(then the website address)
<p>rebeccawolf at
<p>From:  Bob Bilton  - bobbilton at
<br>Subject:  Conflicts w/ software can cause problems
<p>>From: Steve Black   - webworker at
<br>>Subject:  ScanDisk and Defrag aren't working. What do I do?
<br>>I am having a problem running maintainence on my computer.
<br>>ScanDisk and Defrag seem to keep running over and over
<br>>without any results. Also, my clock kicks back an hour ever
<br>>once in a while for no apparrent reason.  Has anyone else
<br>>ever ran into these problems?  Any suggestions?
<p>Hello Steve,
<p>Take heart, you are not alone... sometimes conflicts can arise
<br>due to the programs you have installed on your computer.  I
<br>had the exact same problem with the time displayed on my taskbar.
<br>I was running Windows 98 and Norton AntiVirus 2000.  I
<br>downloaded a fix and I've been cured - this was over a year
<br>ago.  From memory, it was from the Symantec Norton AntiVirus
<br>site (see second URL below).
<p>There are a couple of things you can try:
<p>Windows Clock on Taskbar and in Date/Time Tool Loses Time
<br><a href=""></a>
<p>System clock loses time when using Norton AntiVirus 2000
<br>(cut & paste the link on one line)
<br><a href=""></a>
<br><a href="">0473528ab04a4365882567fd00760e7c?OpenDocument</a>
<p>I have also come across defrag starting over and over again in
<br>a never-ending cycle with the message:
<p>"Drive's contents changed; restarting..."
<p>ScanDisk and Defrag require that the hard disk not be
<br>accessed while they are running.  Every time the hard disk
<br>is accessed, these programs will be restarted.  To stop the
<br>hard disk being accessed, make sure all programs and
<br>background processes are closed.  You can do this by
<br>accessing the Task Manager (Ctr+Alt+Del) and selecting
<br>each item, then clicking on End Task.   NOTE: Make sure
<br>you let Explorer (in the Task Manager) continue running.
<br>Also disable your screen saver and unplug USB devices.
<br>Then, run ScanDisk and Defrag.  This is for people with
<br>serious ScanDisk and Defrag difficulties.
<p>For me, it was not necessary to take such drastic action.
<br>By disabling screen saver, both processes were completed
<br>without a hitch.
<p>There is a good explanation on the workings of ScanDisk
<br>and Defrag and a step-by-step guide on how to stop going
<br>around in ever decreasing circles!  Go to:
<br><a href=""></a>
<p>Hope this solves your dilemma, Steve.
<p>Bob Bilton
<br>Be set for Life! Get your Freedom back!
<br>Retire with a residual income! Sign up at first:
<br><a href=""></a>,
<br>then click on <a href=""></a>
to find out more.
<br>Use Code "bc77" for ECO Opportunity.
<p><b>++++ Next Answer - Different Question ++++</b>
<p>From:  David Bridgewater   - ndc at
<br>Subject:  You can hide the query string
<p>>From: LBailey   - lbailey at
<br>>Subject: Any help with Cold Fusion?  (Issue #428)
<br>>One of the web sites I administer was developed with
<br>>Cold Fusion 4.0.  I need to know how to code the index.cfm
<br>>pages, so that the long path name does not display in the
<br>>browser's address box.  I often have links from advertisers
<br>>to this site that are long and ugly.
<p>For the answer of ugly links on urls of your advertisers. You
<br>can hide the query string on these urls but not the directory
<br>links.  If you need assistance on getting this done we do cold
<br>fusion consulting for very reasonable prices.
<p>    TT Internet Solutions
<br>    contact our CTO
<br>    Mike Hughes
<br>    mike at
<br>    210-313-3783
<p>David Bridgewater
<br>Independent Internet Consultant
<p>>>>>>> <b>WEBSITE SHOWCASES</b> <<<<<<
<p><i>Examine carefully - those with email addresses included WILL</i>
<br><i>trade links with you, you are encouraged to contact them. And,</i>
<br><i>there are many ways to build a successful business. Just look at</i>
<br><i>these successful sites/programs other members are involved in..</i>
<p>Fire Your Boss and Work at Home! Use your computer to Earn
<br>$125 - $175 per hour! FULL TRAINING. Vacations, bonuses and
<br>incentives. Download your FREE E-BOOK NOW
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Get immediate FREE exposure on thousands of sites.
<br>Plus two FREE programs that will AUTOMATICALLY
<br>type your ad for you! Pay one time, promote all the time.
<br><a href=""></a>
<p>CIGARETTES GO $MLM$ FREESamples AND Customer Membership
<br>$5 OFF 1st Order, 600+ Varieties from $9.95 per carton!
<br>BusOP Seekers - Cigarettes are the ultimate consumable!
<br>High customer retention insures a steady residual income
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>Trade Links - <a href="mailto:tradlinks at">tradlinks at</a>
<p><i>If you have a product, service, opportunity and/or quality</i>
<br><i>merchandise that appeals to people worldwide, reach your</i>
<br><i>target audience!</i>
<p><i>For a fraction of what other large newsletters charge you</i>
<br><i>can exhibit your website here for only $8 CPM. Why?...</i>
<br><i>Because as a valuable member we want you to be successful!</i>
<br><i>Order today - Exhibits are limited and published on a</i>
<br><i>first come, first serve basis. <a href=""></a></i>
<p>>>>>>> <b>MEMBER *REVIEWS*</b> <<<<<<
<p>Visit these sites, look for what you like and any suggestions
<br>you can offer, and send your critique to MyInput
<br>And, after reviewing three sites, your web site will be added to
<br>the list! It's fun, easy, and it's a great opportunity to give
<br>some help and receive an informative review of your own site.
<br>Plus, you can also win a chance to have y our site chosen for
<br>a free website redesign. One randomly drawn winner each month!
<p><b>SITES TO REVIEW:</b>
<p>Site #131: <a href=""></a>
<br>John Stitzel
<br>oldstitz at
<p>Site #132:  <a href=""></a>
<br>stuart.reid at
<p>Site #133:  <a href=""></a>
<br>Michael Blanchette
<br>mfj at
<p>Site #134:  <a href=""></a>
<br>Len Seider
<br>Lenseider at
<p>Site #135:  <a href=""></a>
<br>webmaster at
<p><b>SITE  REVIEWED!</b>
<p>Comments on Site #130:
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>LauriGal47 at
<p>This site was like a 'favorites' page, so I have suggestions
<br>to improve or add to the site. But, I also could not figure
<br>out the focus of this site, so keep that in mind while
<br>reading my suggestions.
<p>At the top of the page is said "Flame's Hearth II" which
<br>leaves me to assume there is a page "I" - if so, link to it.
<br>There was no introduction, explaining what I would get
<br>out of scrolling down through the site, so in effect, no
<br>reason for me to see more than what I could in the first
<br>screen area.
<p>There was a lot of blank space between the categories,
<br>which makes the page seem longer. And explanations
<br>by the links telling me why those were your favorite
<br>pages, or what links were brand new would have been
<br>helpful.  Maybe date the free sample links.
<p>Kind of a neat page of freebies.  Not too cluttered. Liked it.
<p>First Impression: BLAND,
<p>Seems obvious that Lauri is very new at this and is using a
<br>cookie cutter web-builder. Well, Lauri I am still pretty green
<br>behind the ears myself and need the cookie cutters, too.
<p>If your web-builder allows you variety in color, fonts, adding
<br>pictures etc, play around and bring excitement into this site.
<br>I am not really sure what you expect the results to be for your
<br>site? Purpose? for example: I have this site to share free stuff
<br>as a means to get visitors so I can then offer other stuff
<br>which I am selling.
<p>If that is the case, instead of  leading with your favorite
<br>sites (which are not all that exciting either), why not do a site
<br>which gets traffic because your main emphasis is on the FREE
<br>stuff?  Or on what ever your site's purpose is.
<p>Your website address is pretty iffy. You could benefit from
<br>a domain name here.
<p>Lauri, I am not putting you down, I congratulate you for
<br>taking the step. That is how we learn. Just play with it, look
<br>for tools, ask others how they do it, etc., and over time you'll
<br>get okay at that. The more sites you review yourself, the
<br>better you will get. Also, consider to find a local kid (they
<br>are so good at that stuff) who can be hired for a few dollars
<br>to help you.  My children did my
<br>site, artwork and all. I hope this helps you.
<p>I liked the layout of the site - it was easy to read
<br>but it wasn't very inviting.  I think it needs more
<br>colours and perhaps some graphics or even small
<br>promotional banners down the right side.
<p>This looks like a first attempt for someone building a web
<br>page, and is missing some basic and necessary information
<br>to be viewed by more than family and friends. If LaurieGal
<br>wants to get traffic to her site she needs to add meta tags
<br>and specific keywords, contact information, and some
<br>wording that shows personality or uniqueness.
<p>The links are good links, and specializing in finding free
<br>products to order off the internet is a good idea, but there
<br>are a million sites that do this. An introduction or personal
<br>comments about each product or link would be helpful
<br>and set this site apart.
<p>The colors are easy to view, the layout clean and easy to
<br>scroll through, but this site doesn't have any personality.
<p>Nice simple design, soft colors. To make this site seem
<br>bigger and not just a one page site, maybe create a separate
<br>page for each category, and add a one line description
<br>after each link.
		<p><br>moderator: Amy Mossel  <a href="mailto:Moderator at">Moderator</a>
<br>posting:   <a href="mailto:MyInput at">MyInput at</a>
<p>Send posts and questions (or your answers) to:
<br>   <a href="mailto:MyInput at">MyInput at</a>
<br>Please send suggestions and comments to:
<br>   <a href="mailto:Moderator at">Moderator at</a>
<p>To change your subscribed address, send both new
<br>and old address to <a href="mailto:Moderator at">Moderator at</a>
<br>See below for unsubscribe instructions.
<p>Copyright 2001 AEOpublishing
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