Fw: Hi, I'm from the government and I'm here to screw you

CJ Knight nulldev at hush.com
Mon Dec 9 19:18:25 PST 2019


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Hi Brian, and happy new year. Thanks for another thought provoking post.

A few things you might not be aware of happening over here in Europe,
specifically the UK:

We have ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras in place on
every motorway junction, plus all major roads. They aren't advertised,
they look like plain grey boxes, but people are slowly catching on to
what they do, and how much they see. A journey from one end of the
country to the other can be tracked in real time.

An EU Directive has stated that all new cars must have inbuilt 3G
capability "in case of accidents". I personally do not believe this
reason, and suspect it's just another form of tracking surveillance.

Lastly, our government a few years back came up with an idea to fit
"black box" recorders in *all* cars but the public backlash was so
huge they shelved the idea. Instead, the insurance industry has
adopted the technology, so new drivers and those with a poor accident
record can opt to have one of these boxes fitted in return for a
discount on their insurance. It is now becoming a norm for young
people to take this option; when I ask them why they are prepared to
violate their own privacy they just shrug, but I guess privacy means
something different to the Facebook generation.

Conversely, it is now becoming *more* expensive to insure a car if you
do not have a black box; they have tried norming this by penalising
the law abiding (but privacy conscious).

Anyway, just thought you might like to know.

Best, CJ

On 02/01/14 18:04, brian carroll wrote:
>> Any questions?
> observation:


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