anarchic money options?

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Tue Jun 21 19:31:30 PDT 2016

Whilst Putin and Russia, BRICS nations and south east Asia in particular
are working as diligently as they can toward a post-hegemonic world order,
what are the anarchists planning?

The P/E, debt to equity, national debt and private debt levels in the USA
are simply not sustainable past 2024 mathematically, and most likely 2020
or earlier.

That is, when you can no longer make interest payments, you go
bankrupt, and if you're the FED printing as much QE money as you can
possibly get away with, when you hit the wall, you take the entire
currency with you. Earlier emails have linked to graphs which show this
tax receipts vs US govt debt wall has an absolute end date of 2024, but
most likely confidence in the US dollar will collapse well prior to then.

So. Turmoil and upheavel when that moment comes.

And some are well prepared to survive short to medium term food, water and
shelter problems. Many are not.

Some others have been and continue to put away tonnes of gold (Russia,
China and other nations) whilst the sleepy democratic upstanding nice ones
doddle along as though nothing's changed, like Canada who sold out 99.999%
of their state gold reserves.

The good news is that during such upheavel and crises, opportunities arise
for very limited numbers of individual humans - mostly for those who
prepared in advance.

Now, those who are more than one can make more hay when the opportunities

To the hard core anarchists, the pioneers (not the settlers, and probably
not even the squatters, only the hard core pioneers) - if you want to
sieze the day, the best way to do so is to plan well in advance.

My thoughts? Well, for broad acceptance of any political system of human
interaction, broad acceptance (by those you communicate with in your
broader communities) is of course required.

Amidst the chaos and turmoil survival will dominate a human's every
thought. Any advance planning, to be successful, must embrace the
realities to come.

Those who will be able to speak with clarity, having imbibed the
understandings of the existing foundations (constitutions, amendments,
money and its control), and considered well possible futures, may be able
to inspire others to "a better future". But that can hardly be possible by
sitting around hoping for someone else to do so.

"Better" foundations must be practical, straightforward to the mind - you
will have to communicate them with sheep after all, and ought be discussed
and thrashed out and options and alternatives considered, well in advance.

Community arises in interaction of humans, be it action, communication or
contention (verbal and physical).

Without powerfully simple yet constructive conversations arising between
millions of people (USA has ~300 million population), then a new system
shall be imposed, instituting babylon once again. And the sheep shall be

What futures can even be communicated?

We must start somewhere...

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