What you won't hear at Davos

Ryan Carboni ryacko at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 15:39:48 PST 2016

The elites at Davos like to talk about change and improving lives, but some
fly by helicopter from a private jet. They could have collectively
chartered a plane to Zurich, and then take a train to Davos. It does become
reminiscent in which Russia supports American democracy groups, and the US
supports Russian democracy groups... democracy has become a buzzword for
elites to reduce the autonomy of other elites.

In 1793, it took less then a year for Napoleon to raise an army of a
million men.

In WWII, it took America several years to build up it's fighting strength
to a level capable of fighting the Nazis.

Perhaps today, if we were to start a military from scratch, it will take
fifteen years to do it (probably longer if you desire aircraft).

The point I'm making is indirect, there is a lot of inertia today brought
on by the complexity of technology. The decisions made today once fully
implemented cannot be changed for a while.

The elites have made wrong decisions, they have erred in the direction of
mass surveillance instead of mass liberty, but it did not stop the success
of terrorists. Now we are all less secure. Apparently Juniper routers were
backdoored... some of which were used by US agencies. One seems to hear
more about the OPM hack then the Obamacare website being totally insecure.
Government IT policies and organizations have been totally inadequate for a
long time. The GCHQ wants MIKEY-SAKKE, as opposed to MIKEY-DH, they don't
just want to intercept and decrypt future communications, they want to
decrypt past communications ( as if that has been a major obstacle to
investigations prior to the computer).

But I ramble, to be very clear, to make the internet itself secure, it will
probably take ten years. While frequent derisions that people don't use
encrypted databases are nonsensical, the solutions more likely to yield a
result will take longer to implement.

Basically ten years ago, all the elites made the wrong choice, and they
don't even have the excuse of saying they properly weighed the issues.
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