The Intercept steps up after catching a reporter faking data and sources

juan juan.g71 at
Wed Feb 3 13:24:04 PST 2016

On Wed, 03 Feb 2016 21:10:49 +0000
Sean Lynch <seanl at> wrote:

> I'm genuinely curious, because I don't have direct experience with
> anyone involved beyond their public reputations in relatively
> mainstream sources, so if there is a reason I should not be trusting
> them or Glenn Greenwald, 

	You didn't realize that the intercept is a propaganda outlet of
	the 'good' 'progressive' american lefties? Financed by a high
	ranking american corporatist, the owner of ebay*? 

	 Granted, greenwald isn't as biased as some of his
	 employees, but he's clearly involved.

	Plus, greenwald and friends are the ones who allegedly have all
	that stuff tha snowden took from the nsa...and they never
	publish it. That seems like a very very big, very red flag. 

	You don't need any inside information to see what's wrong with
	the intercept.

*it would quite funny to have the intercept repor on how ebay spies for
hte US government, something they must have been doing since day zero.

> it would be very helpful to know that. Of
> course, since I don't have any more reason to trust you than to trust
> Glenn, I'd appreciate anything you can provide that I can verify
> without too much effort.

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