I swear I'm not making this up

Steve Kinney admin at pilobilus.net
Thu Aug 4 03:52:05 PDT 2016

Hash: SHA1

On 08/04/2016 04:35 AM, Bastiani Fortress wrote:
> Schneier, stating the obvious... These things happen all the time 
> though, don't they? What good does it do to whine about it?

vs. Schneier, vomiting State sponsored wartime propaganda.
Considering who pays his speaking fees, and which are the most
lucrative clients in his employers' markets, that or him "packing it
in" and retiring from the corporate life, was more or less inevitable.

Attribution is one of the hardest things to get right in the world of
network forensics. "Trust me, I have secret information" is good
enough for losers and fools who have ultimate faith in State
institutions, even when those institutions tell them things 100%
consistent with State propaganda aims.

Meanwhile, common sense might tell a more likely tale: One about how
whoever the forensics guys say was inside the DNC systems, is either
a) the least competent of many attackers who rattled the door knobs,
or b) whoever lives in the path of a false trail laid by a competent

An understanding of how the world works tells us that /many/ State
Security agencies take an interest in collecting political
intelligence on U.S. policy makers and their minions. Damn near all
of them, in fact; any who don't simply lack the budget or manpower.


> 9:25 AM, August 4, 2016, juan <juan.g71 at gmail.com>:
> "Russia has attacked the US in cyberspace in an attempt to 
> influence our national election, many experts have concluded. We 
> need to take this national security threat seriously and both 
> respond and defend, despite the partisan nature of this particular 
> attack"
> signed - schneier, tor supreme.
> -- You’re not from the Castle, you’re not from the village, you are
> nothing. Unfortunately, though, you are something, a stranger.
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