Shiny stuff and designer societies (addenda)

Sean Lynch seanl at
Fri Oct 30 11:12:03 PDT 2015

Dammit, meant to send to the list again.

On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 11:02 AM Sean Lynch <seanl at> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 30, 2015 at 10:33 AM Razer <Rayzer at> wrote:
>> I think there's a place for individualism within collectivism but the
>> collective comes first.
> This I can't really agree with. There is no collective without the
> individual, and why should any individual be part of such a thing if it
> doesn't benefit him or her?
> I recognize that we share the planet and that we all benefit from the
> existence of society, but I think the only obligation that places upon us
> is to give at least as much as we take. But at the end of the day the only
> people qualified to make the determination of whether an individual's
> contribution is adequate is the individual and anyone considering entering
> into some kind of exchange/relationship/whatever with that individual. It
> is the sum total of these decisions and interactions from which society
> emerges.
> My longer term hope is that sharing the planet is just a temporary
> constraint that we'll eventually overcome. There is a lot of room in the
> galaxy and even the solar system. "If you don't like it, leave" is a lot
> more realistic of an option when the choices and resources available are
> practically infinite. This is not to say I'm sympathetic to the Venus
> Project and its' ilk; I don't think they're wrong about a future of
> abundance, I just think their language and thinking is rooted in a
> fundamental misunderstanding of the meaning of economic scarcity.
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