Shiny stuff and designer societies (addenda)

Razer Rayzer at
Thu Oct 29 16:01:40 PDT 2015

On 10/29/2015 03:27 PM, Sean Lynch wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 9:02 AM Razer <Rayzer at> wrote:
>     You use the word "I" a lot. I aim for a society where "We" is primary.
> I aim for the heads of people who aim for such a society, because "we"
> is a fiction. It is just a way of saying "I" while pretending you have
> others' interests in mind. You can only speak for yourself. Trying to
> speak for anyone else who has not asked you to is just another form of
> coercion.

Who said I speak for anyone but me? Or care to.

You're reading a lot into my interest in social equality. Perhaps it's
because of your own world view?


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