mailing list etiquette violators list

Razer Rayzer at
Tue Oct 27 14:11:35 PDT 2015

On 10/27/2015 12:27 PM, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:

> Most of our shiny stuff we get for good reason

That's what they all think... But someone whose paid to do so told them
what to think, or told their parents what to think, who then passed it
along to them.

Is there a good reason why every individual must own a smog-belching
metal box to transport their carcass around in? Is there a good reason
why anyone really needs a monitor screen that's as big as their living
room wall?

Please reconsider what 'good reason' means.

Ps. The "players" are psychopaths. I don't hate them. But they need to
be kept a safe distance from the rest of their respective societies. In
cages, where we can rattle the bars with sticks and taunt them just like
they taunt innocent children every Saturday morning during the
children's show segment of TeeVee broadcasting with ads for
nutrition-less 'food' and toys made in  sweatshops in far away places by
people we never see, who work 18 hour days, and all seem to have dark
skin and live under dictatorships.

As far as alternatives. Kill your tv. Get a life that puts your
community's needs ahead of yours /(now THAT'S a subversive and radical
concept... 'group first, me second')/. There's an extensive list, but
the repetitious drone of media drowns out sensible human behavior.


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