Fwd: Ecartis command results: unsubscribe

Michael Best themikebest at gmail.com
Fri Oct 16 11:47:11 PDT 2015

1. If JYA had been willing to quietly verify that information in the first
place, I wouldn't've had to publish it. Instead, he lied and said I faked
the data.
2. I only brought it up because it was relevant to the GCHQ slide, which
John refused to comment on except to tell me in an email to keep going.
3. As John has said, '*What if we harm somebody' or all this kind of crap.
Which is strictly cowardice.*" When he didn't cooperate and then told me to
keep going, I took that as his blessing.
4. The majority of those extra posts about Cryptome or using the word
Cryptome didn't come from me, they came from people throwing accusations at
me and deflecting from the real point which was the fxcking GCHQ slide.
Because heaven forbid we talk about actual cypherpunk issues instead of
accusing someone who doesn't worship Snowden or JYA enough.
5. Do you extend this same "unintended consequences" for Snowden's leaks
when it comes to legitimate security issues, creating rifts between
governments, creating discord among the population, accusing encryption of
being the reason aliens haven't made contact, making it easier for FIS or
terrorist groups to evade surveillance that has the potential to stop
attacks against the critical infrastructure that John likes to take
pictures of and post?

I'm getting fed up with what feels like endless hypocrisy and personal
attacks over a situation that I didn't play the dominant role in creating -
JYA did. But I guess it's more fun to rabblerouse about shit and make

> Your trolling the list with the basically useless information that JYA
> netsol's right?) created a spike in the use of the word "Cryptome" etc
> on the radar of hackers and spammers, so yeah, you're responsible Mike. I
> can almost guarantee it wouldn't have happened without you. RR
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