Cryptome for sale with access log files from 1996 for $50, 000, 000

Razer Rayzer at
Thu Oct 15 07:37:36 PDT 2015

On 10/15/2015 02:05 AM, oshwm wrote:
> Yeh, apparently Pierre Omidyar has offered John a position as journalist
> and so John no longer needs to run Cryptome :D

John's doing a 'BB', and he hasn't even done time... Because there's
nothing to do time over, and TRULY, nothing worthwhile to see in
Cryptome's logs. The only potential 'stink' here is if John had said he
wasn't keeping logs, and he did so HIMSELF. If Network Solutions did so
and kept the logs as required by the feds (and by the feds for
perpetuity if there's encrypted data), there's fuckingwellnothing John
could do about it, and IF he could acquire them from NetSol to sell
signed and numbered editions, it NOT on him, but on all the idiots who
visited his site 'barefoot'.


> On 15/10/15 09:51, odinn wrote:
>> Oh.
>> John Young:
>>> Cryptome for sale with access log files from 1996 for $50,000,000.
>>> Authentic Cryptome Archive for $10,000. 
>>> <>

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