How to go about sharing (was: one of a dozen threads about Cryptome)

Razer Rayzer at
Mon Oct 12 09:39:10 PDT 2015

On 10/12/2015 09:11 AM, Michael Best wrote:
> You deliberately took that out of context and cut out relevant text.
> Troll. 
> What I meant was not having to deal with the copyright complaints
> myself, and you OH SO CONVENIENTLY left out the very next sentence
> " If it turns out there's a violation I missed, the item gets taken
> down - not the entire site or all the uploads. " Which referred to
> Cryptome getting taken down over one document (which ultimately was
> allowed to stay up anyway)
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     DUDE READ THEIR TOS! On 10/11/2015 07:11 PM, Michael Best wrote:
>     >/and not worry about copyright/

It read about the same with the rest of the text, and since this whole
thing is such an incredible waste of bandwidth, I cut to the chase. And
no, if you infringe copyright IA takes your WHOLE THING DOWN because
they don't want the have to go through it for more, and cancel your
account. Ofc, you could start another...

IA is continually under a lot of pressure about copyright material
appearing onsite, and I say you're a threat to a very valuable public
resource. You should read my recent comment in one of the dozen or so
threads you've generated, about being the bird dog in the snipe hunt and
you never look to see who the 'hunters' are, and you're ARROGANT about
it, and your whole discussion of JYA's logs is just one long
look-at-what-I've-done-bc-xxx-did-this troll.

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