Why cryptome sold web logs to their paying customers?

Dr. J Feinstein drjfeinstein at mail.com
Sun Oct 11 17:03:09 PDT 2015

The Netsol support pages are disinfo? bullshit 

Sent: Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 11:52 PM
From: "John Young" <jya at pipeline.com>
To: cypherpunks at cpunks.org
Subject: Re: Why cryptome sold web logs to their paying customers?
At 06:54 PM 10/11/2015, you wrote:

>So why does Netsol contradict JYA about the log settings?

NetSol is a bundle of contradictions, the essence of ISPs.

We have always logged the actions of our ISPs and their ISPs,
upstream and downstream, services and support, security and vulns.
So too mail lists, SM, chats, as instructed by this forum and its many
offshoots working all sides, warning of perfidy to hide perfidy.

Check those links we posted about how the spies work this fertile
terrain of paranoia and over-confidence, feeding the wired and wireless
news machine, advertisers and officials, now cybersecurity being
ratcheted up to WMD level. Coders as glamorous as physicists.
Nobels and MacArthurs acoming. And the opportunist anti-coders
smelling the coffee of protests. Cryptographers facing the opprobrium
of WMD-makers when the public grasps what fools they have been
taken for through the same old scam, public protection requires
ever greater national secrecy among the select. Unbreakable crypto
then declared illegal everywhere, and only cryptographers know
what unbreakable means: smoke and mirrors, lots of mirrors.


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