Why cryptome sold web logs to their paying customers?

Mirimir mirimir at riseup.net
Sun Oct 11 18:33:34 PDT 2015

On 10/11/2015 06:15 PM, John Young wrote:
>> I would not have expected Cryptome to be on shared hosting ;) But yes,
>> that would explain it.
> Shared is cheap, so are we. Shared is vuln, so are we. So are the others
> despite credentials and billion-dollar armaments and above all else
> secrecy and shallow oversight. That explains it.

Thanks. I get the strategy.

But it doesn't work for me. I prefer to use pseudonyms, and to hide
behind anonymity systems. I don't trust anyone or anything more than
necessary, and I totally compartmentalize online stuff from meatspace.
It limits me, I know. No credentials. No meetings. No sharing with
meatspace friends. Not many online friends. But so it goes.

And maybe, as you imply, it's all bullshit. Time will tell ;) Or maybe,
as Uncle Bill speculated, they're just waiting me out, as my guns rust
in my hands. But hey, no problem. I have more slack to play :)

Anyway, y'all might be amused by this experiment: erehwon.dev.null
<http://dbshmc5frbchaum2.onion>. One point of the site is to fully
document itself. I welcome criticism and suggestions. I'll implement
what I can, and document it. I already know, by the way, that the site
is easy to DOS ;)

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