Why not P2P yet, Iceland, and "legal shit" [and: Cryptome's Diapers Leaking :-]

Cari Machet carimachet at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 10:07:05 PDT 2015

There is no model whatsoever besides tor ????

Aaaargh too monolithic for me and also then why i have secure mail in
fucking icelands

Structures like law or tech dont live in their own bubbles

I will send you some shit i found yesterday on tech but maybe you can find
a raw new space laws can be implemented a new or laws can be fucked with
legality can be fucked with
On Oct 10, 2015 7:23 AM, "grarpamp" <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 2:57 AM, Cari Machet <carimachet at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Agreed but we do still have pirate bay
> TPB is a long since sold and sold out third party joke of what it once was.
> Moreover, Iceland, Sweden, whatever for TPB itself... it never protected
> users, because torrenting protocol the clearnet cannot protect users.
> For that, torrenters MUST rehome themselves exclusively to the darknets.
> I2P and Phantom and even Tor and so forth would work reasonably well
> for that against corporate MAFIAA attacks. But torrenters are stupid.
> And it is the role of cpunks to provide designs for such capable darknets.
> > and the drug pushing parasites
> Yes, on I2P and Tor, lol. But note, save maybe openbazaar P2P alikes,
> people are vain, so real P2P is not popular for them to do as it removes
> their fame and control via their would be central sevices. This is why real
> P2P hasn't taken off. Imagine a truly P2P Uber / Lyft... it doesn't exist
> because everyone who thinks it up wants a cut, at which point they
> are middlemen and not true [anon] P2P.
> > Icelandic servers have a base of security because of the structure of law
> Blah blah blah. How many and which treaties and partnerships, both front
> and backdoor and silent, are Iceland's Government and country party to?
> How strong is your adversary? Oh, now you have a problem once
> you strip off the Iceland publicity bullshit. If Iceland were something
> special you'd see them openly advertising forbidden hosting, not
> necessarily
> for themselves, but for foreigners. And if it were a free country
> internally,
> they'd advertise it for themselves. Silly laws, and mores. Ain't no bases
> there.
> > Legal shit has ramifications
> Real independant legal shit is seriously fucking hard to achieve.
> >> > > John's replies appear weird to me.
> >> > i find that understanding of John's replies is best achieved through a
> >> > structured series of mind altering substances ingested, inhaled, or
> Cryptome is a unique character worthy of respect and dialogue
> should you have the chance. An honor it would be in fact. While
> the technicals of cryptome.org and its parentage could perhaps
> make use of review. On the other hand, they are uniquely Cryptome.
> >>         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r-e2NDSTuE
> Lol.
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