[cryptome] Cryptome has been leaking its user logs for over a year

Mirimir mirimir at riseup.net
Fri Oct 9 17:58:39 PDT 2015

On 10/09/2015 03:52 AM, rysiek wrote:
> Dnia czwartek, 8 października 2015 20:45:50 Mirimir pisze:
>> On 10/08/2015 07:42 PM, coderman wrote:
>>> On 10/7/15, Michael Best <themikebest at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Let me begin by saying that Cryptome initially denied the leak, then that
>>>> the data was stolen, then that the whole thing was a fake "a lie by [a]
>>>> spy-newbie."
>>> the lie is assuming these requests over plain-text were ever private :P
>> That is the key point!
>> And anyway, all traffic to all websites is public.
> Oh for fucks' sake. There are fuckers who do listen in and surveil, etc, but 
> it is *not* okay to make their work easier. And it is *not* okay to make one's 
> server logs broadly available in such a context.

Look, Cryptome did fuck up. First, by keeping logs for more than a day
or so, whatever necessary for debugging and responding to attacks.
Second, by sending them to a third party. And third, by being so obtuse
with that third party that he felt compelled to publish them.

> Why the fuck are people on this list slamming Snowden and freedom.press for 
> using Cloudflare, and at the same time defending JYA for sending out server 
> logs with dates and IP addresses?

You'll never catch me slamming Snowden or defending JYA ;) And I gotta
say, Cloudflare starts looking good when your site is getting DOSed.

> The hell is this bullshit?

Bullshit, mostly ;)

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