The GCHQ Cryptome slide could be a mockup/disinfo

Razer Rayzer at
Fri Oct 9 12:57:40 PDT 2015

On 10/09/2015 06:00 AM, Steve Kinney wrote:
> Lest we forget, the original PRISM slides were, at minimum,
> heavily altered by the Guardian and/or Post.

Certainly didn't affect people understanding the threat to civil society.

> Meet Jack. Or, What The Government Could Do With All That Location Data
>>     “…just a taste of what this powerful new (NSA) system is capable
>> of. We look forward to working with your department for many years to
>> come in our mutual efforts to keep America a safe and controlled
>> place where no one, no matter where they are, can commit wrongdoing.”
> We now know that the NSA is collecting location information en masse.
> As we’ve long said, location data is an extremely powerful set of
> information about people. To flesh out why that is true, here is the
> kind of future memo that we fear may someday soon be uncovered:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^
> Dear commissioner:
> Now that we have finalized our systems for the acquisition and
> processing of Americans’ location data (using data from cell phone and
> license plate readers as well as other sources), I wanted to give you
> a quick taste of our new system’s capabilities in the domestic
> policing context.
> As you can see in this screen shot from our new application, an
> individual by the name of Jack R. Benjamin yesterday was flagged as a
> potential DUI risk…

Full PowerPoint Presentation, NSA/police agency style, At The ACLU.

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