How are the Baltimore riots going?/Any way we can help?

Razer Rayzer at
Fri May 1 13:59:16 PDT 2015

On 05/01/2015 09:38 AM, Y G wrote:
> Is there any way that the protests could use help on the tech front? I
> heard a bunch of things about the Baltimore PD being sure to keep
> track of livestreams and I think also checking Twitter photos? So
> maybe someone running their own StatusNet or or something, so
> that the Baltimore PD aren't at least getting the data firehosed from
> the source? (Of course, that would require getting the message out to
> everyone to switch...) 

One of the high profile sites covering the Baltimore protests,
FergusonAction, is being 'protected', including dedicated DNS, by

That means Cloudflare, owned by the creator of "Operation Honeypot" and
known to be quite friendly with the feds, 'haz all ur metadataz'

I discovered that this morning and tumbl'd it, with the rest of what I
know about Cloudflare, here:

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