Russia and China crack Snowden Cache

grarpamp grarpamp at
Wed Jun 24 01:25:09 PDT 2015

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 5:33 PM, Tim Beelen <tim at> wrote:
> You can't have a criminal organization without crime, which require
> illegality, which requires laws which require a governing body. A
> government usually does not declare itself illegal so, no, it's not
> going to be a criminal enterprise.
> You're just being pedantic.

Others have addressed that.

Murder is illegal and unethical. So is spying on people without
individualized probable cause and warrant. As are many other things
that are going on.

> And also because first and foremost the U.S. does not acknowledge
> The Hague.

That's because US ways and crimes are suspect, and to acknowledge
anything other than itself would end up making it accountable. So
US refuses to do so and spins against it... a classic political
play and an effective dodging mechanism, at least until your crimes
become too heinous or universally disliked.

The slow calculated drip of Snowden style leaks is effective in
beating the drum of dislike.

> But the EU does acknowledge US laws. Which is nice.

Post WWII sentiments and endeavours to future partnership are fine.
But like FVEY, that doesn't need to include being the US's cowardly
bitches, sockpuppets and whores on everything.

> So did they pass a resolution as such that I'm unaware of?
> Is there an international court that is willing to persecute?
> Everything has cycles, nations no less.

It's true, as the world moves along, every part of it goes in cycles.
The US has been engaging in illegal surveillance of the entire
world, detaining people in hellholes indefinitely without charge
or compensation, TORTURING and MURDERING innocents (and others)
without trial, at will... including its own people on its own land.
Overseas it's gone from partnering in liberating those of faith in
the 1940's to killing them in the 2000's.

The US is pretty good historically, some examples shown in the
videos. Yet regardless of whether that's still true or is somehow
changing overall... right now, a portion of its machine is in a
cycle of NOT doing good things to others or itself.

This is a time (say ever since 2000) when, just as the US has been
known for lending a helping hand to the world, the world now needs
to stand and impart a good hand upon the US. Because the US apparently
hasn't been able to correct some of its bad ways on its own in over
15 years. It's past due for a spanking, not soundbites.

Humans are pretty good peer to peer... it's just that their meta
entities of Governments, Corporations, Religion and Society often
run astray in groupthink and need corrected now and then. And if
the world can't lend correction to simple MURDER, well what then?
Good luck correcting anything cpunks care about.

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving.

And if spying, murder, datamining, restraints on crypto and free
speech don't resonate with whoever would do the spanking (not least
the politicians of the world), Africa's poor are still starving.

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