Wickr vs stef's seven rules of thumb to detect snakeoil

Alfie John alfiej at fastmail.fm
Sun Feb 1 19:27:49 PST 2015

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015, at 01:57 PM, Seth wrote:
> I thought I'd run it through stef's seven rules of thumb to detect
> snakeoil so here goes:
> * not free software
> - Closed source (although audited by Veracode)

>From Wikipedia:

  "Veracode’s patented binary static analysis technology analyzes
  binary code to create a detailed model of the application’s data and
  control paths."

  "Veracode’s binary static analysis technology analyzes all application
  code without requiring access to source code."

Does anyone know how this works against self-encrypted binaries?


  Alfie John
  alfiej at fastmail.fm

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