Of Sealand, corp, and country [was: nation-state]

Cathal Garvey cathalgarvey at cathalgarvey.me
Thu Oct 23 03:36:56 PDT 2014

 > forced everyone in my family to use eco stuff (I'm pretty sure
 > they are still throwing away all trash unsegregated when I'm not
 > looking though).

You'll be disappointed to hear that recycling is largely irrelevant on 
the global scale, and was favoured by green parties as a policy only 
because it gets voters involved and makes them feel important to the 
solution. Same goes for changing to efficient lightbulbs; it's helpful, 
but practically negligible compared to your daily commute, your choice 
of diet, your insulation, etcetera.

In the end, industry, and the consumer products we buy from it that fuel 
its bad behaviour, is far worse for the environment than piffling things 
like bulbs and recycling. Buying less waste is better than segregating it.

What we need is energy decline, and what that means is travelling less, 
buying less, burning less. Our energy should come from nuclear, not 
coal. Our buildings shouldn't be made from concrete. Our diets should 
use less land; less meat, and higher yields (go-go-gmo!). Our products 
should last longer and do more (cf. Bunnie's concept of "heirloom 
laptops"), instead of doing less faster and then breaking and getting 
"recycled" by impoverished kids in bangladesh.

It's a totally systemic problem, and bullying people into just recycling 
makes them think that they've done their part, and the rest is up to the 
next worst person. They need to understand that shutting down the coal 
plant in their city would do more good all-round than if everyone in the 
city recycled everything they bought.

On 23/10/14 11:13, "Łukasz \"Cyber Killer\" Korpalski" wrote:
> W dniu 23.10.2014 o 11:55, Lodewijk andré de la porte pisze:
>> 2014-10-23 10:33 GMT+02:00 "Łukasz \"Cyber Killer\" Korpalski"
>> <cyberkiller8 at gmail.com <mailto:cyberkiller8 at gmail.com>>:
>>      BTW: I made an oath last july, which was f****** unbearably hot in my
>>      location, to punch any climate change denier that I come across in the
>>      face. So consider yourself lucky that punches don't fly over the wire.
>>      Climate change is a fact, not something to believe/notbelieve.
>> No, please, just don't, god, this is even worse!
>> Providing the wrong arguments for the right conclusion DOES NOT HELP AT ALL
> I'm not sure I follow. Being angry at people who deny clinate change,
> because of them less people care about the environment, seems like a
> good idea to me.
> There's not much else I can do, I already gave donations, signed
> petitions, gave my computing power to climate model research in a BOINC
> project, forced everyone in my family to use eco stuff (I'm pretty sure
> they are still throwing away all trash unsegregated when I'm not looking
> though). I lack the power to change the policies of the large most
> polluting countries, and eco terrorism is quite difficult when they
> shoot first and ask questions later.
> Anyway, I'll drop the subject now.
>> At /best/ you'll only invoke the "it can be warmer randomly, that's
>> fine, climate or just a hot year", which is the truth, at worst you're
>> giving Juan a reason to deny an overwhelmingly large body of evidence.
> OK, I'll stop feeding the troll.
> (...)
>> If you really care: http://www.unep.org/climatechange/ or more
>> specifically http://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/index.shtml
> (...)
> Thx for these links.

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