Cypherpunks for Office [Edu/corp giving personal information to NSA/whoever]

rysiek rysiek at
Sun Jul 13 14:35:06 PDT 2014

Dnia sobota, 12 lipca 2014 18:15:53 nicolasbourbaki at pisze:
> The Pirate Party and Cypherpunks party are populous movements
> attempting to play the game within the construct of behavior most
> expected. The establishment of a party itself with intent for
> longevity is entirely unnecessary for what needs to be done. Most
> people here should understand that ignoring ones own brand by
> removing it entirely from the picture gives greater focus to a
> singular ideal. Don't mistake this rhetoric for revolution. It is
> only that Democracy has plenty of room for trolling and no one has
> really figured this out yet.
> Unbeknownst to most people born within the past 20+ years they were
> all born with dual citizenship. First to their analog nationality
> and second to the
> Yochai Benkler expands on this definition when describing Wikileaks
> as part of the Networked Fourth Estate. That is, media institutions
> not beholden to any particular nation. I would extend this further
> to include people that took upon themselves an alternate understanding
> of rights, social norms, governance and behaviors as experienced
> through the network as an unwritten constitution. This is not just
> hackers and cypherpunks but many internet users as a whole. It
> includes *every* internet user that found any form of solace or
> confidence through the liberated network. At this moment in time
> you could be an American, European, South African or Brazilian and
> all will collectively notice that this alternate constitution is
> under attack, even if its existence is unknown.
> The Pirate Party most certainly attempts to represent this 4th
> estate. I applaud them. The reason they might fail to fix the
> most significant problems we currently face is due to their
> quest for longevity and a brand. We do not need 4 or 10 years
> to fix these problems. We only need 100 days.

I couldn't agree more, and the sad state of Pirate Party here in Poland:

...only amplifies that. I mean, when I hear them saying things like "first we 
need to get to the Parliament to be able to do anything", I feel like I'm 
going to throw up.

Same shit is going on in Germany and Sweden, AFAIK. Pirate Party movement is 
in deep crisis in Europe.

So that got me thinking about parties as a system hack:

I think it's worth a try.

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