CDRv2 discussion (was: Re: deprecated)

J.A. Terranson measl at
Mon Jan 20 18:16:07 PST 2014

On Mon, 20 Jan 2014, grarpamp wrote:

> Some notes...

> - Some subset of nodes should commit to carrying all messages

Thats going to be strictly up the node owners.  The node I anticipate here 
will likely carry all messages, but thats stricly a choice for the node 

> - Consider instead deploying NNTP via Diablo with a list of current
> readers and a howto on each of the splash pages. Don't try to
> tell me cypherpunks cant grok this. Certainly you can
> DSPAM/spamassasin/moderate and all other things with this too.
>From an administrative point of view, nntp is a *major* PITA.  I know, I 
used to run a full feed over DS3 (which could barely take the traffic back 
in '99!).  NNTP is a really fucked up protocol, with tons of room for 

> - Or a hash based interchange backend?  ie: message body
> synchronization between nodes. Mail is ugly, see nntp above.
Thats a really good idea, but implementation across multiple nodes may 
prove difficult. I'll give it some thought.

> - Umm, mailbox/maildir/nntp archives from day one, please, seriously.
Seriously, if you want to support it, get a box and be a provider. I'll 
happily support mailman and its native archives, but it'll be a cold day 
in hell before I interface NNTP again, or worry about maildirs for every 
user: forget it.  If you are hereby *seriously* offering to provide these, 
then put up a box on a permanent connection, and you can be the designated 
module writer for it :-)


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