"the ability of the government to go back to taps collected years earlier to look for material with which to influence potential witnesses in the present"

rysiek rysiek at hackerspace.pl
Mon Jan 20 01:22:02 PST 2014

Dnia niedziela, 19 stycznia 2014 23:25:24 grarpamp pisze:
> Weasel words and mission creep,

I expected nothing less.

> a year from now and everything will be the same, unless Joe and Corp do
> in fact continue to get up and act up about it.

Corp? Are you implying that corporations are on "our" side of this? That's 

Once corporations get 1. plausible deniability; 2. legal indemnification, 
they'll be happy to provide any and all data to any government that asks. I 
hope we're all clear on that.

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