Swartz, Weev & radical libertarian lexicon (Re: Jacob Appelbaum in Germany - Aaron Swartz)

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Tue Jan 7 10:26:15 PST 2014

James, again thanks for alerting:

<Snowden, on the other hand, did.

There are striking similarities between Swartz's expectations and

Swartz came to believe from multiple dissenting actions which received
praise and admiration from journalists, mentors. co-conspirators,
colleagues, friends and lovers that he was on the right track, a bright
young man putting his skills to noble use. When the federal axe came
down by instigation of "noble" institutions and ignoble publishers,
armed with copyright weapons of mass disruption, these supporters
went runnng, not at first, only after severe threats of punishment of
economic, personal and career damage were applied.

So far Snowden has had the exact same treatment, even a lover
or two, salacious rumors imply, pillow talk revelations a fave
of the TLAs in all nations and sysadmin covens.

While Swartz did not have the global acclaim of Snowden, the
parties involved are behaving in quite similar ways to Swartz's case,
and it behooves pardon legal behooves, to watch his ass as time
goes by and threats of sigmatization and prosecution are issued
by spies, gov, courts and prosecutors, (threats still looming for
Gonggrijp, Appelbaum, Jonsdottir, Barrett Brown and those ratted
by Sabu, others unknown) especially for threats aimed at devoted
supporters, one by one in secret, not all of whom are wholly
devoted for the long run. So it was with Swartz and other sacrificial
lambs so it will be for whoever falls for the bait and switch so
formulaic in media world.

There are also considerable similarities for Manning, Anonymous
and a slew of whistleblowers, a fair number of them winding up
in jail, Others were turned into informants, some of identified others
still confidential. These propects have been amply covered here
and it is to be expected that disavowals of support, "needs killing,"
will be uttered formulaicly as Ayn Rand fountainheaded.

What is admirable, and deserves thanks, is that the stream of
Swartzs and Snowdens seems to be increasing, fewer are
running away when the axe is raised. Why in a couple of
cases the axe was deployed verily where the plan was hatched
to politicize Swartz's assassination.

And how will Snowden be protected from political assassination?
That is how will he be protected from media homicide?

>As I am fond of remarking, Bill Ayers can bomb the Pentagon, but you 
>cannot.  Swartz thought he was Bill Ayers.

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