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brian carroll electromagnetize at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 10:32:55 PST 2014

--- potential ---

issue: wi-fi as distributed radar, signals monitoring as if
snare traps in forest or jungle for certain parameters


A. Scientists Turn Their Gaze Toward Tiny Threats to Great Lakes

"Tiny plastic beads used in hundreds of toiletries like facial scrubs and
toothpastes are slipping through water treatment plants and turning up by
the tens of millions in the Great Lakes. There, fish and other aquatic life
eat them along with the pollutants they carry — which scientists fear could
be working their way back up the food chain to humans."

B. Beadist Transforms Ordinary Objects Into Ornate Treasures

\/.:.: OOC book ::.../\

Autonomous Technology
Technics-out-of-Control as a Theme in Political Thought
By Langdon Winner

[q] The truth of the matter is that our deficiency does not lie in the want
of well-verified "facts." What we lack is our bearings. The contemporary
experience of things technological has repeatedly confounded our vision,
our expectations, and our capacity to make intelligent judgments.
Categories, arguments, conclusions, and choices that would have been
entirely obvious in earlier times are obvious no longer. Patterns of
perceptive thinking that were entirely reliable in the past now lead us
systematically astray. Many of our standard conceptions of technology
reveal a disorientation that borders on dissociation from reality. And as
long as we lack the ability to make our situation intelligible, all of the
"data" in the world will make no difference. —From the Introduction [/q] ^1

Amazon Customer Review

Look Inside this book...

searchable PDF with index / ex. 'megamachine'

[q] Lewis Mumford holds much the same view. There is, he believes, a humane
tradition of science and tech­nology based on "an earth-centered, organic,
and human model" to which Western civilization must return if it is to
avoid the disastrous course of the "megamachine." 6 "For its effective
salvation," Mumford warns, "mankind will need to undergo something like a
spontaneous religious conversion: one that will replace the mechanical
world picture, and give to the human personality, as the highest
manifestation of life, the precedence it now gives to machines and
computers." 7 [/q] -- Introduction, p.4

^1. note on 'bearings' - have repeatedly been thinking about limit of
compass view and of TPH's book on Elmer Sperry, never read it though on
inventor of gyrocompass, related to gyroscope used in satellites,
ubiquitous directional sensor (cellphones, segway, drones, vessels, other).
perhaps its framework parallels certain ever-shifting conditions and
parameters, staying on course.


book: Elmer Sperry: Inventor and Engineer
(Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)

"Characteristic of his various inventions were feedback controls which have
made automation a fact of life."


// strange-read function: thought it referenced MITM...

Apple, Qualcomm suffering weak yields for wearable devices

[diagram] electric & magnetic properties of light

Research duo develop a means for people to conceptualize polarized light

[q] It's a well-known fact that animals other than humans can see polarized
light and that many use it as a means of navigation, terrain discrimination
or even as a form of communication. Recent studies have even found that
some organisms, such as shrimp, are able to communicate with one another
using polarized light that is reflected off a part of their bodies, in this
case, their tails. Many scientists believe that there likely exists a
hidden world of communication going on in natural world, where only those
who can see polarized light are able to join in. How and Marshall describe
it as a secret language—one where prey are able to communicate silently,
for example, unseen by a predator, without fear of being overheard. [/q]

// and... why not--

Researchers find dogs sensitive to small variations in Earth's magnetic

[q] A team of researchers in the Czech Republic has found that dogs can now
be added to the list of animals that are able to sense and respond to the
Earth's magnetic field. In their paper published in Frontiers in Zoology,
the researchers describe field experiments they conducted that indicated
that dogs prefer to defecate while in a North-South stance relative to the
Earth's axis, during times when the magnetic field is calm. [/q]

(this research perhaps a contender for ig-noble awards)

(note: relation of geophysics and patterning. of animals, though also
humans. will not mention in this given context, though it is wondered if
position of buildings and direction of beds likewise is this way, with
humans and fields. are N-S or E-W directions preferred, what if rooms are
not on cardinal access. does direction effect sleep patterns, etc. is it
specific to layout of a room or larger building itself; such that position
of furniture only has a few options in a given space, thus must be oriented
a certain way, and how is this preferenced, may larger fields or forces be
involved in determining optimal or is it irrespective of this.)

---:::: quantum! ::::---

re: NSA Quantum Computer Research at LPS 2005

note: wondering if in someway e-ink display, phase changes
via direction of ink color (white to black, perhaps grayscale)
could in some way be analogous to spin states of atoms and
rovide a conceptual framework to question dynamics within
(wondering also about nesting of dynamics, spin states that
have hierarchy and build up or support/buttress other states,
such that a scaffolding or computational structure is created;
thus perhaps 3-qbits effect 1-qbit on another level as it relates
to others at its same scale. maybe these are logic gates though.
it just seems an ecological or nonlinear/multinear flow dynamic
would be dynamic (state machine) v. serial progression of charge)
note: what if ion-trip entanglement became storage mode
to establish two linked memory matrices, at a distance from
one another. such that they are remotely linked, though are
combined of the opposites qbits...

    [matrix1]   <--->   [matrix2]

in this way, it is not necessary 'spin' for set 1 to set 2 that
may be the computational process/framework, and instead
spins within the matrix, that then mirror in the matched pair...

    [xxxxxx]   <--->   [xxxxxx]
    [xxxoxx]   -----   [xxxxxx]
    [xxxoxx]   ---->   [xxxoxx]

in that, due to entanglement within the set (matrix1) that
the relation (x-x => x-o) via manipulation, say encoding, then
mirrors in the second set, and the stringing together of these
then reappears likewise in the second set (matrix2) if this is
how the spin-states are matched and entanglement operates
what if the matrix were considered a bitset display that is
inherently linked via stored entangled pairs, perhaps even
mismatched, calico, some sets are shared or not, some sets
may not be entangled and thus like wires to anode/cathode
or ground, create computation circuits, hierarchy or structure
for data flow. what if a sequence of patterns or a problem was
then set against this matrix (e.g. 1), say it is a qbit storage or
memory array of 1,000 qbits, a quantum-data ecosystem, that
then processes a pattern via its structuring, as linked into and
out of various known structures (logic gates, functions, other)
ridiculous to speculate probably, though what if some limit
like 1-dimensionality or 2-dimensionality exists, and that
perhaps a 3- or 4-D or N-dimensional framework is required
to activate or unlock or open-up the natural, organic dynamics
beyond preexisting ideological thresholds, boundaries, views,
such that quantum is stuck in a paradigm of electron-tronics:

       (electronics (quantum bits) )

in that perhaps linear or serial time-based sequences and
approaches are fundamentally different, and constrained
by 'electronics circuits' as paradigm or model or approach

       quantum-computation (electronic computation)

what if the situation is opposite, that the quantum realm
is larger or defines the electronics realm (larger(smaller))
in terms of hierarchy, different principles or organization
required - perhaps the model of information key to how
it is conceived, where 'the bit' may not be defined just as
encoded electron, and instead exists as abstracted pattern
or structure (language, subsign structures perhaps) and thus
the 'way of seeing' is not possible if the model or approach
does not capture these dimensions need for computation
and communication. perhaps quantum computation is
closer to a screen-display rolling through various patterns
as if a thinking-machines blinking lights, though that these
patterns are the calculation going on visually, not just the
representation of activity, the actual computation itself

(in this way, processing would be more pattern-matched
thinking, evaluation based on weighting of entangled bits
that ground to truth or neutral or somewhere grayscale;
the latter requires more analog than 1/3rd spin states,
so resolution of q-bit perhaps is also a question, is there
a potential gradient between +/- that can be achieved,

in this way 'data switches' as with Hall Effect sensors,
'digital', whether on/off in 1/2s or 5ths, versus analog
going from 0-1 across the entire range, say 5/200ths in
one instance and 5/6.124 next, given resolution, etc.
qbit as on/off switch versus strain gage in other words.
It would seem the inherent 'computability' of entangled
bits in terms of 'grounding to truth' via connected knowns
is in the undefined state, not a false limit to weighting or
resolution, thus qbit as sensor, not as finite bit measure
unless as a gate or transistor function. guessing, though
the nature of thinking is not about forcing things into
a framework that is overly limiting or rationalized, it
may remain looping or neutral, undecided, it may be
contingently known (digital switch state, true or false
(1,0) or tending towards t/f (+1/3, -2/3)) or else it may
be weighted, as with intuition, in given looped state
it is at this location or proximity on the scale from T/F,

though given more processing may shift back&forth,
thus undecided (1/0) though in n-degrees resolution
until perhaps figured out. this is n-dimensional not
linear algorithms, this is multilinear many-timings
that may or may not be in phase in given situations,
timing may have a million clocks that together may
sync into a single clock or operate as several that
may or may not align or agree. that is what such a

computer would likely be involved with in terms
of data, not an electronics-circuit topdown approach.

this based on the way of thinking, it as entanglement
based with information structures, data models, and
perspectives, perhaps turing framework also a limit)

also- consider transistor design of recent CPU chips,
the alternative approach that accommodates errors &
can use an FPGA or other device to reprogram or tune
functioning, taking into account what is operational;

consider in qbit context, especially if not approached
In purely quantum computer context and instead hybrid,
that a qbit entangled pair could be linked into a classical
electronic circuit, used for remote or distance messaging
for instance. some basic functionality of matched pairs,
perhaps for encryption at a morse-code level as if early
days of telegraphy. what seems possible if developing
some integrated functionality is to build upon this, bit
by bit so to  speak, with continual advances, yet it would
not be an independent quantum computer per se, instead
it would be a hybrid electronic computer with extended
quantum functionality, a new substructure or connector
into future quantum systems. so perhaps an entire q-pc
is not going to appear at once, and instead a bridge from
existing tech, with some q-functionality, then will meet
with more independent q-systems of the future, allow
a range of q-systems development via diff. approaches

in terms of a quantum system beyond existing electronic
circuitry, another paradigm, the same approach could be
relevant with transistors, such that perhaps some qbits
are higher fidelity and others not, within a linked matrix,
or some are 1/3rds, some are linear, some digitral 1/0,
and some are unlinked or classical, within a given matrix
or bitset display that is q-computational. and then from
this messiness, order emerges via patterned dynamics
and interactions, and develops over looped iterations.

In other words, the issue of natural v. forced calculation;
where a model or belief of 'perfection' exists with the
'electron as bit' approach, that presumes it is coherent,
starts and operates here (TTTFTFT), ideological and also
deterministic, a rationalization of the problems, sets; as
If that can all be figured out or 'knowable' in advance; vs.
a model of imperfection of the 'qbit as bitset' approach,
which starts or remains in incoherence or decoherence,
except as it may attain or align in coherent states (A=A)
or others (T=2/3) that shape into patterns of calculation,
emerging as structure, order, from chaos even perhaps

beliefs in how people think could be part of the issue,
as if 'scientific dogma' drives view of objective thinkers
(A=A all the time with every observation), when this is
a fragment or infinitesimal decimal condition, existing
closer to near total falsity excepting whatever truth is
or can be momentarily accessed, unless sustained as
entangled state with truth as awareness, operating or
functioning inside its dimensions vs. warped versions
where bias (such as digital) throw-out anomalous, even
contradictory or falsifying data. psychological loopholes
that could prevent accurate modeling of q-conditions
as it relates to ideas as ideas, not in terms of ideology

note: why share such naive thinking outside realm of
any expertise? i think 'thinking' directly correlates with
quantum processes of entanglement and 'reasoning' is
essentially comparable in terms of parsing patterns in a
looped or ecosystem/ecological condition. so there is an
issue of ideology or paradigm that could limit this to POVs,
ideas, or beliefs that are inaccurate yet institutionalized
yet form the framework for investigation/development,
though likewise limit it. thus another view to question if
this could be relevant by sharing outsider perspective. in
that 'intuitive computing' or 'computers that reason' are
going to be more like thinkers than calculators, which is
the split between electronic computation and quantum
approach, seemingly. the bit itself should be in question,
how it is constructed and conceived, not the same thing
or scale potentially with quantum, perhaps much more
linguistic or sign-calculus (mathesis) in its framework,
perhaps because it maps to information already or it is
or already carries an informational dimension seemingly

also, the issue of classified research so there is no room
for those involved to discuss these things that would allow
open research to develop them further. discussion or ideas
then opens up the framework of considerations that could
perhaps lead to new approaches in unclassified realm or
bridge between these. of those with NDA or clearances
that forbid divulging secret or classified information, it
could be a way for a parallel effort to exist beyond these
limits legally, especially in terms of online communities;
though the limit appears to be, once inside the system no
communication about anything potentially secret occurs,
thus 'free speech or expression' is self-censored even tho
a person or research may not be involved in quantum, or
have direct relation, that they may not even consider the
the thoughts due to security issues- effectively silencing
the commonsense conversation about issues in the open,
where security clearances take away right to participate
in other domains also classified yet not related or known,
for fear of reprisal, even though it would help bridge the
gap and allow advancement beyond insider/outsider limits

in this way, naive views like mine are situated, a person
speaking into the air about these commonsense issues in
extremely limited, near no knowledge condition, except
whatever may exist in some minor accuracy about them.

perhaps that is the threat, security bounds thinking to an
existing political administration and framework that could
result in violence for sharing ideas that are unwanted, etc.
thus incorporation into the state is this enforced silencing,
functioning within parameters assumed for the good, yet
if corrupted, then trapped in an incommunicable condition
where anything said could be interpreted as betrayal, etc)


Maxwell's demon can use quantum information to generate work

[q] "It is known that classical information can be used to extract work,
which is important because this saves the second law of thermodynamics!"
Sang Wook Kim told Phys.org. "The mathematical expression of such work is
given as the mutual information between the system and the measurement
device multiplied by kT. Now for the first time we show that quantum
information can also be used to extract work, and its mathematical
expression is discord." [/q]

How losing information can benefit quantum computing

(note: noise environment, bugs as features)

// perhaps difficult to lock-on to pattern recog./movement tracking?
// could probably test with robot, focusing on singular shape/outline}
// vs. not, then movement, trying to determine direction/speed, etc.
// where parameters default to outline, thus harder to evaluate/match

Computer simulation explains why zebras have stripes


note: reference image related to recent posting
on belief in money as absolute truth...


{educational fair-use of copyright, 2013}

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