phenomenologic (urls)

brian carroll electromagnetize at
Thu Jan 2 15:44:06 PST 2014

// note about previous urls list ideas and concepts: copyright-free...

(disclaimer: ideas and concepts in my cypherpunks posts can be put to
use and extended by others, including for product improvements and
product development. there is no patent, copyright or other
restriction, including no requirement of monetary compensation for
application of these ideas which are intended to provide constructive
feedback for the improvement and refinement of involved tools,
ecosystems, technologies, processes. saying this so lawyers do not
prevent related experiment, exploration, innovation, advancement.)

--- on search ---

URL/URI as new library card catalog system, hunt & peck for data
'organization' via Google akin to this, front-end sans knowledge,
structure hidden from view, no benefit - all the data relations;
basically a memory-locating device, internet as disk sector R/W;
no integrated ideas on the internet, all atomized, local particles


[video] Volcanic lightning captured in a bottle // wild!

//  f a s c i n a t i n g

Earthquake lights linked to rift environments, subvertical faults

"Timing and distance to the epicenter vary widely. Most EQL are seen
before and/or during an earthquake, but rarely after, suggesting to
the authors that the processes responsible for EQL formation are
related to a rapid build-up of stress prior to fault rupture and rapid
local stress changes during the propagation of the seismic waves.
Stress-activated mobile electronic charge carriers, termed positive
holes, flow swiftly along stress gradients. Upon reaching the surface,
they ionize air molecules and generate the observed luminosities."

basic info: Earthquake light

--- paradigms ---

Welcome to the Age of the Upgrade
Everyone is an early adopter now, and it is glorious

comment: i was reading the above article and started to disagree with
the analysis perhaps not understanding its viewpoint, though it is an
interesting question to consider. reminds of the role of change in
establishing new cultural relations, these before software, perhaps in
some way related to the idea of upgrade, though also huge cultural
shifts in approach and functioning that today seem to operate in other
scales or degrees.

the largest shift, in terms of my research, was pre- to
post-electrification. which was the ur- or uber-upgrade path for
individual and civilization. this shift could be seen culture-wide as
it was happening. notable was the change in watches available in
catalogs, from old windups to quartz, battery-based mechanisms, and
then full-on digital interfaces that visually moved from an analog
dial (related to the circular day/night cycle) to digital (simple
7-segment display of LED to eventual liquid crystal display, tending
towards HIOX display matrices). so that structure of 12hrs mapped to
day and night becomes lost to simple views of numbers (1:24, 9:19)
when a sign or indicator then says 'am/pm' as this cyclical indicator.
L. Mumford had very interesting observations about the clock, its
development, in how it once related to nature and then replaced it,
day & night becoming lost to time of the non-stop machinery.

watches are quite interesting, wonder if anthropologists might delve
into this someday, where wind-up mechanism of expensive wristwatches
with watch winders still are in use as status symbols of earlier value
system of the art of watchmaking, commoditized, fetishized today in
era of mainly electronic, mass produced versions. lots here in terms
of culture, values, relations. skills, tradition, change, viewpoints.
then, emerging 'smart watches' to arrive in this situation,
transforming another artifact into a 'computer' (as with CRT->HDTV,
refrigerators, toasters, etc).

question then might be: does the transition from old watch technology,
non-electric, to the electronic version constitute an upgrade. just
as, old wash basin and clothes scrubber and clothing line, to washing
machine and clothes dryer. i think it does. this is electrification
and then a follow-on, advanced level (qua 'composite' order) of
computation as further structure and detailing or pre-electric tools,
techniques, technologies, artifacts, processes.

in another way, more subtle, something like a horse-drawn carriage and
an automobile, though it seems this is about animals and combustion
engine locomotion (oil power) and not of an electrical paradigm- and
yet it is the spark plug and battery that are vital to its design and
that developed into support system for a/c, radio, power windows,
lights, etc. yet it is an embedded system, as if electrical system is
subconscious in certain technologies more than in others (who even
thinks of the spark plug as electrical device, in sustaining
combustive explosions to move vehicles, meaning non-experts who drive
cars in general population).

so perhaps there is ambiguity in that electrical subsystems are
structural or even hidden away from view. do people understand their
cars or watches as technology? are they literate about how they work,
in the same way as how the world is fit together in its physics, etc.
in most cases, no. this is not something taught to people in an
educational setting. non-issue.

music provides what may be a most accessible view of this situation,
of a paradigm shift as it may relate to the idea of upgrade, in that
the folk music tradition of acoustic guitar then was challenged by use
of electric guitar by Bob Dylan, upsetting the sensibility of how
music was conceived of in terms of cultural values mapping to certain
instruments and their sound. or something approximating a given
understanding that was then brought into question by going outside
those parameters, via electrical guitar. never mind that microphones
are used and amplifiers, also electric, in ordinary stage situations.
so issues of audio reproduction are already in the mix (hah),
including sound stage audio mixing, cables, recording performance and
playback via records, magnetic tapes. and so the magnetic pickups on
the electric guitar apparently was sacrilege to some, and transformed
a particular relation to music, sound, song, and it seems that Dylan
was at the pivot point of these various cultural forces. (so too, if
not mistaken, his father was an electrician.)

was this use of electric guitar over miked and amplified acoustic
guitar an upgrade of sorts, in terms of music instruments. is it a
choice or a necessity, in certain frameworks. is there some momentum,
that changes the parameters or the consideration, solutions for
pending or other scenarios, where it is an improved approach (thus,
perhaps innovation). aesthetically, within a context of music, did the
electric sound capture some ineffable essence otherwise out of reach
of acoustic instruments to convey, perhaps harshness or technical
tones or detachment or some other ephemeral quality or condition that
then more readily aligned with situations and consciousness, &c.  so
pre-electric to electric instrument (ie. electronic to
electronics-based), is this also in some sense about upgrades, or an
upgrade path. pre-electric dwelling to electric
dwelling...computerized-dwelling, etc.

so, in terms of typologies, and types of instrument, the piano in its
acoustic form then becomes the synthesizer, both analog circuits and
digital eventually, with associated different sounds, aesthetic
outputs. _everything, basically, existing in this context, such that
while an acoustic instrument could still be used, it exists in an
electrical/electronic ecosystem, as said with mics, amps, mixers,
cables, recording and playback technology, today with computers that
themselves become the music production tools (midi controllers, music
software) though much of it in the data paradigm of calculation, the
calculator, as with the computer. not advancing in thinking beyond
first conception of processing, not delving further than this. and so
'language' of tools is all over the place yet incredibly shallow in
terms of investigating the deeper principles and structures of music
likewise, the musicological is absent from this condition of
'electrical instrumentation' which has been overtaken by dysfunctional
tools and equipment, legitimated and allowed by 'computer bugs' that
prevent use of instruments in the way music requires, in order to
access and develop musical ideas, versus techniques of production- as
if making a webpage, using music software to create songs. procedural,
with switches and buttons on ~instruments, formatted to parameters to
further creation of beats and rhythmic structures of hip-hop, rap,
soul, r&b, etc. this finite categorization, determining what can be
created, by limiting the interface and choices to already known
_language, the signage replacing the truth  of music, repeating
previous signage as if creating new music &c.
so it begins to be a downgrade, a loss of ability and capacity over
time, which i think the article was getting at, as if each new gizmo
and feature is an upgrade or advancement, or every new technology or
option. and instead it can be a deterioration if not understood else
if subverted. losing quality, losing connection, losing sound,
aesthetics, communication, etc. yet having all the switches and
buttons, calculate whatever you want, in those parameters. while the
parameters needed do not exist, were never developed, this as
invisible barrier.
it seems that electrification was this massive upgrade, and then other
aspects carry it further such as computation as a next-level feature
set, that depending on implementation could involve real innovation
(via insight, quality, economy) or loss of cohesion in the design or
its purpose, making it frivolous or trivial or confused. the purpose
or integrity lost with changes. and yet time moves on and things
change, so does a given approach or solution survive, adapt and find
its legitimacy or become outdated, out of touch, removed from what
actually exists and is caught in time, the past, as antique, portal to
another world, view, belief system, and values that no longer map into
the present or future the same.

'upgrade' then is like pre-electronic to 'electronic' device, though
with 'nano' or 'genetic' or 'laser' or 'MIDI' or ECC or any number of
features or details that could be incorporated into an existing
approach or design, successfully or not, extending or adapting its
purpose, moving into a higher fidelity connection, access, insight, or
becoming askew, warped by this march to progress that may in its being
ill-defined, not understood, mismanaged, or maldeveloped then lead to
a devolved functioning that can also become a basis for cultural
control, the incapacitation and incapability of doing things with
tools, a form of censorship even by the way things do not and cannot
work or function correctly, due to such automatic upgrades that may
function in hidden ideological terms, serving political, economic,
social forces unseen or unacknowledged or unrecognized. therefore,
potentially another realm of tyranny that could be embedded in tools,
via how they are or are not developed, in what parameters, in service
or denial to what values (money or truth).  is all your stuff broken
like mine? THE FUTURE!

--- security issues ---

comment: if the NSA will intercept an e-commerce package to modify it
for mass surveillance or worse, to break it or cause malfunctioning to
force censorship-- what would they do to food that is delivered to
targets via online grocers? what restricts extreme unethical and
behavioral influence to 'force confessions' as with medieval rituals
for persecution, whereby any evidence is basis for conviction, even if
engineered. what if it is already commonplace, and this is the context
for judgement. 'law' enforcing/forcing these dynamics by default of
non-accountable marionette strings involved in shaping false
situations as dioramas, tableaus.

--- NSA & AAPL ---

Apple Denies Working With NSA on iPhone Backdoor
Unaware of Alleged NSA Program Targeting its Products

quote: "Apple has never worked with the NSA to create a backdoor in
any of our products, including iPhone," the company said in a
statement. "Additionally, we have been unaware of this alleged NSA
program targeting our products. We care deeply about our customers'
privacy and security. Our team is continuously working to make our
products even more secure, and we make it easy for customers to keep
their software up to date with the latest advancements."

(comment: only reasonable explanation for exploits is they hire NSA as
programmers and engineers, thus plausible deniability. also: if
blackops, how to know if a CEO is not NSA?)

[quote] Fresnel zones

"If unobstructed, radio waves will travel in a straight line from the
transmitter to the receiver. But if there are reflective surfaces
along the path, such as bodies of water or smooth terrain, the radio
waves reflecting off those surfaces may arrive out of phase (by
reflecting off an a surface within an even Fresnel zone) with the
signals that travel directly and reduce the power of the received
signal. On the other hand, the reflection (off a surface within an odd
Fresnel zone) can enhance the power of the received signal if the
reflection and the direct signals arrive in phase. Sometimes this
results in the counter-intuitive finding that reducing the height of
an antenna increases the signal-to-noise ratio."

::::: TYPO :::::

3d printing & typography

4D typography

Gödel, Escher, Bach,_Escher,_Bach

Make your own Mymo {monogram} with any two letters or numbers





(note: living amongst trees of electrical forest)

-';;/ kllyder fnkn ]\.:/

A. Vortex Polarities



--- Apple, Inc. ---

after the announcement of the death of Steve Jobs there was a
tremendous flurry of viewpoints about his contribution to computing,
his fundamental role. some of the belief it amounts to marketing-only,
taking others ideas and repurposing and selling them as if the
originator. in some way, as if part of his unique capacity was this
skill, this way of conveying and presenting the equipment, speaking to
an audience. this as a cultural event. as this relates also to
showmanship that is also controversial in how the claims are

i believe Steve Jobs was as aesthetician. that his was a philosophical
approach to technology that results in artifacts others related to in
a similar framework, in terms of their design values. that the
artifact itself was his unique focus, questions of technology, not
just mass production. choosing what parameters to prioritize or
considering options within extended frameworks, such that tools were
situated in a structural ecosystem. having control over shaping this.
and having people relate viscerally to it, if it matched their values
and sensibility, ease of use, joy. design excellence, etc. these words
do not actually convey what i hoped to say (my computer auto-crashed
due to hack attack and lost original wording of this section, cannot
regenerate due to memory loss issues). though the idea that Jobs was
an aesthetician is to question the view that he was a technologist as
other developers of technology. something else was going on with
regard to culture that was not comparable with other approaches.
notably, his value for the art of calligraphy as it would translate
into software and hardware tools. for media creation and playback. not
so much information management or organization, though interface
indeed. the problem of the file cabinet remains and thus hardware
advancements while inside of the data container remains stuck at the
beginning in terms of modeling of ideas. it seems Jobs likely knew
this and the computers of today are a result of accommodating the
combined forces at work in the culture, and maybe innovations occurred
where they were possible, and there is more to the story of how
computers function and cannot function than is currently known.

what people cannot refute is this aesthetic contribution and insight,
this value kept alive within technology and tools, within certain
parameters, that map into artifacts that please its users. as if
beautiful functional pottery of a given culture worldwide from
1985-2010, etc. its the design that is more than a local or
fragmentary question, its the understanding and awareness brought into
the questions and evaluation and shaping of the technology, the tools,
processes. and this is perhaps one of the prominent and obvious
examples of the role and value of aesthetics in culture, at the same
time culture has been removed of this traditional structure of
relations, the knowledge needed to sustain it, the education and ideas
and social connections now absent, it cannot be taught by a book, it
has to be lived. in this way, the uniform of jeans and turtleneck
indicating an ascetic aspect to the aesthetic, a commitment to
resolution of certain parameters or routines and arriving at solutions
or ways of doing things or attaining desired functioning. and i think
that may effectively be lost in culture, today into tomorrow. it has
not been sustained as a value. even while people respond to it and
value it immensely. the knowledge and awareness have been lost to
other priorities and agendas. ideas have to matter. the less they do,
the more the tools and artifacts reflect this, develop it, further
away from truth.

now what if every parameter of computing was approached at this level.
and every tool and artifact were designed to optimal  functioning and
of highest quality and capacity, versus the ruling junk economy and
ideology of planned obsolescence, all manufacturers seemingly
involved. something is preventing this. limiting its ability to exist
as a shared goal. until that is resolved then such situations as what
exists, contributions towards, reminders of what could be possible.

--- em archery ---

Full Flight Technology Velocitip Electronic Archery Tuning System

[note: consider use for sending data or sensors, infiltration, etc]

// plasma actuator for shaping aflow over & around vehicle...

Change in geometry improves aerodynamics

--- artworks ---

Hear the sound of the Earth moving from the deepest hole on the planet



'Magnetophone' sculpture turns electromagnetism into beautiful noise

--- nightsky observation  ---

star trails


--- homologues ---

Drip instabilities of continental lithosphere: acceleration and
entrainment by damage

Keywords:  Instability analysis; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle;
Mechanics, theory, and modelling; Rheology: crust and lithosphere;
Rheology: mantle

Pressure ridge (ice)  // context: regarding icebreakers

(note: the idea of different points (A-B, C) and passages, made
accessible temporarily or as lanes that open and close, and then other
viewpoints of this (C) that are indirect in relation, as structures or
flows may influence interaction, via geography, stress, strain, phase

Organizational behavior

"Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the
impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within
an organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge towards
improving an organization's effectiveness"

Household archaeology

(note: would be interesting to examine change in routines and tasks of
household since introduction and incorporation of computer into daily
living environments, how activity has changed, social relations, work,
shopping, etc. this in anthro/archeo analysis, in terms of artifacts,
mapping relations across layers, getting into massive analysis of
combined data. everything from sleep issues with blue light of screens
influencing body clock rhythms to electricity use, radiation exposure
levels, foci of the house (fireplace->tv-> computer), electriciation
of dwelling (appliances, time, scheduling), rituals, beliefs,
worldview, etc.)

// galvanic corrosion, process similar to electrochemical battery

Builder Blames Navy as Brand-New Warship Disintegrates / digg?

"~Independence‘s corrosion is concentrated in her water jets —
shipboard versions of airplane engines — where steel “impeller
housings” come in contact with the surrounding aluminum structure.
Electrical charges possibly originating in the ship’s combat systems
apparently sparked the electrolysis."

'Military-Style' Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S.

Revealed: The Soviet Union’s $1 Billion ‘Psychotronic’ Arms Race
with the US / via gizmodo

ref. Unconventional research in USSR and Russia: short overview

quote: "This work briefly surveys unconventional research in Russia
from the end of the 19th until the beginning of the 21th centuries in
areas related to generation and detection of a 'high-penetrating'
emission of non-biological origin. The overview is based on open
scientific and journalistic materials. The unique character of this
research and its history, originating from governmental programs of
the USSR, is shown. Relations to modern studies on biological effects
of weak electromagnetic emission, several areas of bioinformatics and
theories of physical vacuum are discussed."

{educational fair-use of copyright, 2013}

12-8   100-360   7-170

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