[tor-relays] Relay security, re: local network

The Doctor drwho at virtadpt.net
Mon Sep 30 18:34:02 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 09/27/2013 05:29 AM, Martin Kepplinger wrote:

> a (real) IP. Rent a vserver with root access for about 10 bucks a
> month, you wont even need a machine yourself. Or find some
> "housing" service where you can put your own little machine that
> get's its own IP. And keep the installation simple. Run tor only.
> And read the 2 or 3 pages on

That reminds me of a question I've been meaning to ask lately...

Has anyone tried running Tor on top of OSv (http://osv.io/)?

As I understand it, OSv is an ultra-small OS which is Linux
API-compatible and designed for running a single app only atop a
virtualization stack.  For example, it should, in theory, be possible
to run the Tor daemon within a copy of OSv, that would be the only
application running inside of that VM, and it should be running like
greased lightning because it would be the only process running in that VM.

Granted, it is fairly new so I do not believe anyone has done any
serious security analysis of OSv, but it seems like it would be an
ideal candidate for a very high performance Tor node.

- -- 
The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS]
Developer, Project Byzantium: http://project-byzantium.org/

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