[cryptome] embassyification

brian carroll electromagnetize at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 19:13:56 PDT 2013

John Young <jya at pipeline.com> wrote:

> Yes, there is finally coverage of the physical architecture of
> spying not just the "digital-architecture" of slides, texts
> and hyperbole.
> Duncan Campbell has reported on this physical architecture
> of hardware and facilities for decades and has advised
> several of the journalists covering the NSA releases who
> lack his experience and technical knowledge. Jacob
> Appelbaum confirms, others have not yet done so, and may
> be incapable of admitting limited knowledge after building
> careers of knowledgeability, yes, this is about cryptology
> and anonymity.

i remember encountering the idea of TEMPEST radiation
from cryptome, in terms of the electromagnetic domain that
remains unaccounted for in architectural history, and while the
questions are wide-open at that point, in a changed paradigm,
it did provide example of how differently a scenario could exist
than otherwise documented or believed to. in terms of concepts
in architecture alone, that a wall separates two areas, acting as
a barrier, when with electromagnetic and radio waves this is no
longer the situation (for 100 or more years, in physics terms).

so too, technology, that a screen is somehow bounded by an
observer's own vision, even while no others are present, as this
relates to remote observation via compromised equipment yet
also, emissions that can be sniffed via these extended physics
in a domain that remains unaccounted for, except within those
military or security contexts were security is audited this way

my question is today, how much of the security model is fiction,
based on outdated assumptions and terms of relation, such that
the observers themselves are potentially viewed 'trustworthy' by
default, or may be themselves androids with supercomputing
powers, hidden group analysis, decentralized shared perspectives
via cellular tower pseudo-psi networking, made individual, identical
in form to a human though in function operating in another realm
than is standardized, therefore any interaction could be insecure
if not accounting for crypto territory lost for defense in depth

what if they can read your mind, for instance, and see what
you see, how well would crypto function in that domain and
in what terms. the only way i can think of is to function in a
realm that is out-of-bounds for oppositional perception, that
is not going to be calculated correctly due to distortions and
that will promote errors of perception of the shared perspective

so what if TEMPEST extends into alien or hostile android territory
where surveillance is ubiquitous at the level of the optic nerve
already, such that any thought can be reinterpreted by another
and thus information and views can be pilfered - ideas that would
lead to inventions or careers, stolen or expropriated, and with an
advantage of space-time manipulation, taken over and represented
as if the works of oppositional others, as if the thinker is stealing
their ideas than the covert swindle involved structurally, based on
compromised, unaudited technology allowing for such siphoning
or data extraction, various wellheads drilled and gushing data to
be exploited, monetized in the future backwards into present day

how well does reading/writing or thinking to self or communicating
challenge or get beyond any of this, or is it forced to operate within
such confines and the security, secrecy, privacy issue involves the
way truth is mediated by the differing views, versus various many
technical solutions that are by default insecure as methods, as
the problem of the THIS IS THE SECRET then always preexists
and is structuralized, handing away the labeled data into others'
filing cabinets to be thusly exploited, likely automatically this way

if you can see through walls these days, even through minds,
and yet this is not accounted for in threat or relational modeling,
how can crypto stand a chance as an idea if the very domain it
exists within cannot be acknowledged in the terms it exists

> PKC and anonymizers have become a celebrity drugs.

if the above, then perhaps in a twisted drug-war context of setup,
an entire manufacturing and distribution network required, and
profit-motive of business model driving the maldevelopment that
can be exploited or used as a control for behavior or agendas

> Moreover, the valorization of comsec coding over the
> physical architecture has misled both the coders and
> their public about the weaknesses of comsec, a gaping
> hole through which national spies have driven large
> trucks to gather and transport mountains of data while
> the cyber-guards gaze at online security programs,
> engoring large fees for 24x7 protection, search and
> destroy, Stuxnet, virii, hacks, 0-days, terrifying
> kaboodle.

this makes me think more than anything that perhaps
security theater aligns with GAMIFICATION


there could be several concurrent strategies or co-existing
efforts though some could involve 'winning' the rigged game,
whether or not this is involved in the subversion or involves
conquering of territory and taking over the flag (sign/symbol)
of another, as if x-marks-the-spot hidden treasure captured

what does it mean to be in magazines and have work that
is reviewed in terms not realistic to the existing environment,
is it a form of disinformation or camouflage, battlefield smoke
canisters and smoke grenades, to what extent is the imagery
or projection of the World Movie readily already understood
to be fiction or farce, stage scenery and what does it imply
if the image itself (signs signs signs) are a false viewpoint,
especially in a context of unshared ID with aliens, robots,
hostile others including deranged hominids & zookeepers

how truthful is security discussion of ideas, how bounded
in a limiting context that does not include necessary data
or variables yet seeks to reason inclusively about goings-
on, as if everything is an impermeable wall, ideologically,
while knowing the porousness of its dematerialization

what if the context is too limiting, too much software,
too narrow a view of hardware in the context of discoveries
as if this are not employed in black sites, ops, projects;
meaning: mind-reading by machine, injection of thoughts,
communication via implants and cellular technologies,
existence of human-identity robots, androids, aliens,
hostile and friendly. computer power far beyond anything
existing in the commercial or public sector, operational,
massive surveillance in local environment by competing
groups as the normal situation, vietnam-war like division
of culture along ideological lines, everything politicized
at the level of decision-making, real war going on within
bureaucracy and peoples lives, while a sitting President
oversees the situation as if a detached Egyptian Pharaoh,
pleased with the dual-use development, the deterioration
and incapacitation of lives needed to do the work needed,
making it harder and harder via each next policy this way

including this correlated to attacks on citizens seeking
to right the ship of state, active hostilities against this
via the dug-in political establishment itself, hostile to
constitutional interpretation beyond their private agenda

what if the head of state is functioning against the state
in its greater purpose, and is the short-circuit occurring,
far worse than predecessors, an image-based consensus
that allows mass marketing of one-way ideology and of
mediocrity to be the swan song for a dying civilization,
as if the death cry is now the only remaining freedom

(self-satisfied egocentric ideologues hatred, loving this)

> Keep in mind this which has received almost no
> attention now or in the past:
> What is online and on the roof of embassies is not
> the source of most spying, that is a ruse.

[there is this, which follows below, though another view
of it could be what is not accounted for in these same
terms, yet remains hidden in the existing landscape,
where embassyification of the built environment occurs,
whether via surveillance cameras and sensors and mics,
hidden or unhidden, as well as antenna, phone taps, etc.
say as it relates to compromised routers and voip data,
or powerline networking that can radio siphon out data,
yet could remain undocumented or unaccounted for...
though give surveillers god-like powers via this gap in
how situations are accounted for, via 'magic' technology)

the points and perspective below are going to be evaluated
in the framework introduced, as it opens up questioning to
the majority of what is not being accounted for, apparently.
yet wanted to make a technical point prior to this, and then
add to it in that subsequent context for further consideration:

basically it involves 'antennas' on rooftops of buildings,
mainly mid-size or tall buildings that also can have a
telecommunications relay or antenna array at the top,
not sure if this is called a utility nest or what, besides
elevator or door access to roof and HVAC equipment.

aesthetics here are important because the distinction made
is that there could be crypto.surveillance or undocumented
activity that is not being accounted for in evaluations of how
things actually exist and function, that allows this political
leeway and undocumented power to take hold & exploit it
for political gain, an entire infrastructure and environment
made this way, mismapped and mismatched in terms of
signage and sayings, of what goes on as it differs from
what really is going on, that a security failure of highest
magnitude- peoples conceptions divorced from reality,
thus the illiteracy allowing the covert programs their
hidden domain to function within, mostly friction-free;
except say when Duncan Campbell or others intervene,
and thus issues of how this is managed, politically, yet
also, the role of censorship, control of viewpoint and of
perspective, what limits or thresholds are observed and
when are the restrictions lifted to grounded the old and
outdated model in a newer more realistic scenario that
can help people understand and navigate the situation,
giving a change at evaluating what is going on, directly,
instead of relying on remote perspectives for their sight

in this way, the mundane antenna array atop buildings,
which could range from commercial or other applications
(state data networks, WANs, radio, cellular broadcast,
along with taxi, trucking, transport dispatch, guessing).

and that this market for antennas on 'rooftop real estate'
is booming, especially with wi-fi if not wimax or whatever
is going on with those standards. note: this development
is minus any accounting for the actual health effects of
such antenna placements and the science studies have
been skewed and disregard exposure scenarios, removing
any kind of regulation as to this profit-filled roll-out of what
can be harmful signaling that swamps entire environments,
including people and surrounding wildlife, signilified this way

consider this residential tower in Minneapolis...


now even while i only have the most limited knowledge of
any of this, having read a small book on antennas and
having thought quite a bit on the topics, it does seem quite
evident that there are six mast antenna 'spires' atop the
crown of this skeletal Rockefeller-Center-esque building

and thus underneath the polycarbonate sheath, i presume
there are six mast (dipole?) antenna, that could be involved
in a wide range of communication functioning, including
broadcast and reception of various signals that could span
from outsourced to in-house systems. likely unknowns to
the public unless there are open databases with leases yet
it would seem unlikely if the networks were 'hidden' that any
such data would say - this is a secret telecom network that
is linking together various buildings and locations and also
mobile communications. it is not simply about speculating,
to some degree or other, of the multitude of such buildings
with such antenna, somewhere within them these other
'hidden networks' must exist alongside the commercial or
other normalized services with various delineating signage

and what is referenced here is the blending of the antenna
with the exoskeletal detailing of the building facade (unsure
if it is partly structural, if outer wall carrying weight beyond
itself or not, see- no practical architectural knowledge here
in conventional terms) yet this "structure" of concrete is
turned into the plastic and metal of hidden antenna at its
peak, which then is dematerialized in this same paradigm,
and operating at approximately 186,000 miles per second,
and move through walls and extend into remote geographies
even while appearing as part of the old building structure,
its hidden functioning not apparent to those unknowing of
its purpose or what dimensions it is operating within

so consider someone who moves into the building is an
android and lives beneath this radiating antenna array.
they may be unaffected by it. as might an alien whose
immune system has adapted to electromagnetic radiation
thus it is non-toxic to their biological or genetic systems;
in contrast, imagine a human moves into the apartments
below this antenna array that involves regular long-term
exposure of massive radiation that could be unshielded
and sustain higher levels of atmospheric disruption via
breakdown of ozone, or other dynamics that interfere
with cells in the body or brainwaves, and that existing
laws likely do not require any health requirement in the
terms known to exist that it is a harmful situation that
existing scientific studies have confirmed is conducive
to leukemia and cancer, while dismissing other exposure

so a developer could sell rooftop real estate for arrays of
high powered antennas radiating electromagnetic signals,
and the tenants below may be unaware of the detrimental
health effects and there is apparently no obligation to do
anything about this, to notify them or limit such exposure
to citizens, given the existing "walls" approach to reality,
as if the situation is about concrete only, no radiation here

now scale this down to wi-fi antennas within apartments
on larger antenna atop apartment buildings with people
sleeping and staying beneath them, long-term exposure,
while massive profit could be made at the expense of the
health of people living in proximity to these antenna, due
to negligence, non-accountability, and political cover that
provides for this onesided development, ignoring costs
that go beyond the parameters of evaluation. in this way,
a question of antenna moves into the infrastructure at
large, what of all the unshielded equipment radiating
harmful radiation in every direction, filling up the entire
atmosphere with a fog of electromagnetic signals and
damaging toxic energy, breaking down the stratum of
consciousness sustained in these realms and replacing
it with cellular towers to transit such data via brute force.

if able to overlay a screen upon the world as it is, that
would suddenly show all these signals in a given space,
as if a dig of a sector of the artificial electromagnetic
environment, what would be excavated in terms of the
signaling-- would it be a realm once placid and now
incoherent with energy, a cosmic soup of data yet
that is mostly noise for whatever signals arrived and
are put to use, versus what is transmitted, broadcast.
how to account for this if it remains invisible, including
mainly in the mind's eye, not allowed to consider or
have sight of such ideas because they harm those
who are exploiting these dimensions, harmfully

the larger point here is of crypto.development, secret
projects in the mundane landscape. like when you walk
by street furniture or car barriers and suddenly it dawns
on you how this could be a torturer's place of work in
some future dystopian day, that level of correspondence.
and so setting the stage, creating the workshop & tools.
yet what may be already existing in these dimensions
and yet hidden, though likely 'secret bases' disclosures,
like those ubiquitous underground fort bunkers or whatnot

so, this is leading to an idea pondered for years now, of
hidden antenna systems within buildings. it relates to
both HAARP and high voltage powerlines, infrastructure

in that you could send up massive torsional EMF waves
into the atmosphere, not only for over the horizon radar
or whatever protective bubble or warfare it may allow, it
could also be for weather control of cloud systems and
likely switching various patterns if not jet streams (not
sure how it works) via electromagnetic influence. so it
is a massive grid array of antennas that shoot signals
or waves of energy that effects weather superstructure

so too, the long-distance powerline network seems to
have similar potential if a pulsed signal or other type of
torsional energy could be emitted as EMFs atop the
normal transmission of power. in that 'radio' naturally
is connected as radiating energy, and perhaps these
could function as enormous antenna to transmit energy
that could effect weather formation over a geography
at national and global scale, as networked, coordinated

still, quite banal, though would not surprise in the least,
given that this engineering is going on and also involves
an active political agenda. so a question of how, not if.

and then curiouser and curiouser, architectural detailing
seemingly becomes more and more superficial, artificial,
not serving a functional purpose, questionable aesthetics
then calling into question the possibility that the "extras"
could be covert signaling devices, if not energy antenna
for precisely such weather control or other data signaling,
such as reception of satellite signals beyond dish format

metal armature on nearby apartment complex

now obviously it is 'off-limits' or out-of-bounds to consider
a covert antenna array as part of a building design, and yet
if that was a ubiquitous practice in an era of surveillence and
it were occurring in such dimensionality as haarp, say that it
was connected with weather modification, such that either
a torsional pulse wave could be sent upward and channel
clouds and weather into certain patterns, and-or receive
long-wave or other data transmitted and received this way,
would it not be important to recognize a superfluous detail
that has no 'ivy' hanging on it and functions as if purely a
technical detail, no pretense of decoration even, to block
the sun for daylighting, nothing. just balls out antenna.
and yet illegal to evaluate in these domains, architectural-
wise and ideologically, because if it were true it is its very
secrecy that allows it to continue to function in this way.

speculation, yet the reality of weather modification tied
to Global Warming and shifting weather patterns, and
this connected with 'green politics', carbon tax & credits,
melting icecaps, and local & global political organization,
movement, green jobs, green products, green economy,
green buildings for fuckin' fucksake -- all this BULLSHIT
as it exists within a context of crypto.politics and also
crypto.development, a hidden agenda within development
and the state, aligned with the same coordinated downfall
and reemergence in these new, warped, confined terms
that are only realistic inside the controlled private bubble,
this becoming religion, mass media dogma, programming,
indoctrination into a value system, funneled into commodity

so, just consider what it would mean if building occupants
were covertly aligned with such an hidden political agenda
and the building itself was creating the political conditions
via engineering weather, to enable the organization to exist
and further develop - as such, if this weather engineering
is occurring, how can it not be occurring in a highly biased
ideological framework that is politicized and designed for
profit-itself, as the deterioration and disruption and control
of weather is tied to policies, jobs, products, industries,
careers, political groups, rigged voter scenarios, agendas
that are undocumented in these same terms, as is their
connection to such weather engineering as if 'humans
are at fault' explains everything, as the false perspective
and setup required for the takedown, ongoing takeover

if you exclude electromagnetism from the analysis, it
cannot exist as a building function or in its programming
yet more and more in this stealth surveillance landscape
such systems are appearing as part of the infrastructure,
who is really accounting for all this (beyond the military)

further, i have long though of normal curtain wall buildings
as hidden antenna arrays, having this capacity, perhaps
those giant loops in SIGINT or radar facilities making it
seem most likely such covert antennas exist everywhere
and how would or could they be accounted for unless able
to detect and measure the signaling, especially locally on
site, monitoring in-building power systems, "extra-effects",
as harmonics or other overlapping signals ride carrierwave

then recently, upon viewing the video of Duncan Campbell
investigating the secret intercept tower between England
and Ireland for documenting all telecommunication traffic,
the thinking about these hidden antenna went even further

Channel Four: Capenhurst Tower // video

what if buildings themselves were these secret intercept
towers, and such functioning could be masked by ordinary
and everyday aesthetics that route into hidden systems,
say a building that is line-of-site between transmitters,
or dual-use or prop-antenna for commercial services that
captures and parses intercepted data otherwise -- could
you even tell from just looking at a telecom installation
in terms of these dynamics or would you need to map
out and trace every last connection and its processing
to figure out whatever hidden functionality _could exist,
as part of a threat model of ordinary, everyday landscape

in this way, what if a curtain wall on a building was able
to covertly function as a static radar or beam energy
for weather engineering or receive satellite or broadcast
data in unknown frequencies yet appear as if a building
material and nothing else, though having electromagnetic
or other hidden properties that allow such functionality,
and then secrets, security, crypto, privacy in this context,
rule of law which may not rule over such hidden domains

> Every building has a unique identification (UID) based
> on its comprehensive materiality of building materials,
> mechanical and electrical systems, shape, spaces,
> usage, population, devices used by inhabitants (coming
> and going and resting), rate of deterioration, repairs,
> renovations. This in addition to official records in
> a slew of regulating agencies, contracts for services,
> networks, bugs, taps, implants, human spies, automation,
> fautly security systems.
> In effect, every building is a transceiver of its metadata
> and its contents without need for the ruse of local
> penetration. Just an ocean-going vessel, aircraft or
> satellite. Virtually nothing is being done to prevent
> this self-disclosing transceiving. Tempest protection
> is insignificant, and SCIFs are ridiculous.

does the existing 'security paradigm' involve a failure of imagination
that provides a gap for exploits to secure themselves within?

is there a shared lack of reality that is a failure of relativist thinking,
lacking open logical reasoning, modeling what is happening and how
and instead it is heavily regulated, self-censored or limited so that
conversations of existing truth cannot occur, due to rules against it.

thus disallowing naming something what it is, and the exploit of this

further, what of e-wiring in buildings as antenna. many studies
demonstrate data can be sent through such systems, and that
there are connections beyond walls of inside-outside electrical
networks in their 60 cycle hums, as equipment is aligned, and
peoples nervous systems, to this clock cycle, hidden rhythm

why for crypto no mention of EMF blocking paint, curtains,
carpet, Faraday-cage borders that limit emissions, what of
shielding to prevent EMFs from allowing data exfiltration or
other such known means of access, egress into the safe

what of health itself in terms of security in a toxic wasteland
of electromagnetic signaling, every dwelling a cemetery plot
in those dimensions, killing cells by the nanosecond ongoing

perhaps too many implants and too many cyborgs and robots
and androids and aliens commonplace yet unmentionable,
thus the reality in the silence and unsaid and unsayable,
the big secrets still the global currency while those duped
at the local level myself battle it out in a psychiatric sendoff

to what extent is truth operative in security discussions, or is
it actually disallowed, Top Secret, off-limits for this everyday,
even when and while in a state of hostile and ongoing war,
its non-documentation in these terms, its great covert power
illegality given a freehand to exploit chessboard dimensionality

truth and security go together.

lies and falsehoods, security exploits, institutionalizing insecurity.

> It is not clear if Snowden knows this or has been deluded
> by the blinding conceit of cyber war and as a consequence
> does not know what comsec delusion he is sincerely
> promulgating to the great pleasure of those who know
> exactly how to help him succeed by protesting vigorously.
> Back to why Merkel, Obama and other leaders are dancing
> in a global delusion of what they do not know, pretending
> outrage so superficial it suggests they really can't believe
> they are stooges. As do we.

(note: previous post uses term 'solid' as a juggling term,
where a pattern is so well practiced it is error-free and
can be juggled with mastery. dual-use, foundationally)

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