SRF: surveillance costumes

brian carroll electromagnetize at
Mon Oct 21 10:37:49 PDT 2013

// this perhaps relates to the concept of Denial of Disservice in some way...

previously i had planned to explore illuminated juggling and
eventually move into a signaling context with it, via display of
various LED colored balls and clubs in terms of patterns and their
structuring, as a way of communicating. then i was under seige and my
health, already poor, completely collapsed do i could no longer juggle
and the equipment started to malfunction immediately and eventually
totally failed.\

part of the idea involved being a targeted individual in the
surveillance state, where there is no privacy and no boundaries are
observed. therefore, already under active and ubiquitous surveillance,
i decided to make the surveillance my audience...

juggling for surveillance cameras

in a sense this is like probing the network, because it provides a
chain-of-feedback that can be accounted for in its effects. again,
reversing the panopticon and watching the watchers, via requiring
unknown patterns to be mapped, analyzed, deliberated upon, and perhaps
cause various subsequent actions to occur in response, whether
retaliatory or otherwise. the input of signal causing other signaling
to occur, within certain parameters and dimensions, beyond the
threshold of my observation though not of others.

i thought this was a great idea and others should do similar
activities, though was immediately incapacitated and the project was
forced into collapse via still ongoing harassment, the front line of a
hostile and oppressive political agenda that is unaccounted for in
'official media' and beyond government checks and balances, because
the U.S. is a failed dictatorial state.

obviously this is not a new idea, and there have been many people
involved in such activity...

the Surveillance Camera Players

my goal though was signaling with LED juggling clubs, perhaps
messaging or seeking connection with those behind the watchful eyes,
offering a viewpoint or event for interpretation, providing something
to see that is an anomaly or out of the ordinary - perhaps what they
are looking for, only in different terms or relations.  this is not to
mock the real purpose of a security infrastructure in times of extreme
threat, necessarily, though it is to question it in the existing
parameters and under the existing model of malgovernment, where one
group is watching another, as this aligns with political corruption
and enemies lists.

so what if hundreds of jugglers across the country found various
surveillance cameras and began to juggle for those observers of the
citizenry, though not to obstruct the view and seek to cause
insecurity, and instead to provide a temporary filling of its
framework, content, especially in a realm of public space that has
become by default *privatized* by this ever-watchful eye and its
ideology that evaluates everything in potentially skewed, self-serving
exploitative terms -- that everything and everyone could be
categorized as a *threat* in the given modeling

so what if suddenly surveillance monitors were suddenly to become
occupied or filled with content, as if a television station tuning
into programming, and in various locations at various times, day and
night, jugglers or mimes or actors and actresses in plays could
appear, and perform for the cameras, whether short skits or various
dramas or vignettes or sketches or routines.

this could extend in the mythological as well-- a troupe of black clad
stagehands could move an inflatable Loch Ness Monster across the field
of view of the surveillance cameras, as if they are invisible on the
darkened stage to the audience a short distance away, while the
symbolic foreground character reads against the background monotony of
same recorded landscape, over and over and over, as night turns to day
and day turns into night, again and again.

what then if in another location or at another camera, a Sasquatch
walks by, or suddenly Yetis appear all over, in all states around the
world, along with the odd stray Gorilla suit and perhaps a Wooly
Mammoth or Mr. Snuffleupagus. how would such events be interpreted-
are these acts of terrorism? what psychological effect may it have on
both the observed and observers, or that the observers are themselves
being indirectly and directly observed by those they themselves cannot
see, and so likewise are in the loop as under suspicion, though by
another belief system providing checks and balances and questions this
boundaries-crossing activity on the assumption it is inherently good
and should be trusted while beyond accounting for its truth, in terms
of what data is collected, how is it analyzed, how does this relate to
political blacklisting and political attacks against citizens, and so

the problem with activist approaches is that it can become about
itself, about the juggler and not what is juggled. it is not about
language per se, it is about where it grounds, in what truth and
reality, how this is shared and unshared based on how it is
interpreted, in what frameworks and dimensions.

it is not about an ungrounded in-your-face declaration of perspective
that is onesided and skewed to a different partial framework. it is
about a common framework for those inside and outside the different
boundaries of the surveillance infrastructure - providing a circuit or
connection deep within the system that can communicate or provide
context or dynamics otherwise absent, enabling review of questioning
of existing practices, and demanding oversight, yet not in the form of
carrying a sign: citizens demand oversight!

(in a worst-case scenario protest can be about ungrounded signage or
false displays that further legitimize the practices supposedly
opposed, thus functions as an illusion or mirage that is a
check-and-balance for allowing things the way they are to be further
extended via that 'public oversight' and this can be covertly
engineered, allowing a viewpoint to be signed-off on while ungrounded,
co-opting secondary relativism into the relativistic fold of pT)

in a sense it is to razzle-dazzle the statistical modeling that
everything is a threat that appears as an anomaly before the
surveillance cameras. this is also to consider a conscientious
approach to not obstruct legitimate public safety concerns, do not
block a traffic camera for instance, or other such tactics in this
context of communication and signaling of extra-dimensional
information or content for the surveillers.

and so what if "All the world's a stage" is recontextualized in terms
of ubiquitous surveillance in this way.  1,000 ballet dancers around
the world in front of cameras. 1,000 gorillas. 100,000 Yetis. 100,000
jugglers. what would it mean, what might happen to people who
participate, how might it effect the way data is processed and
analyzed. what happens to the first wave of people to take the risk of
being put on lists and politically attacked...?

this is where Jim Bell's approach for Denial of Disservice may provide
corollary. if enough people participate, the ability to attack
everyone would be more complicated and involve more resources than are
available by the given oppositional network. rules would need to be
broken, short-cuts taken, which would force quick fixes or other
tactics as retaliation.

what is known is that likely you will be put on a list of some kind.
and perhaps your life will be more pressured or something will happen
that is harmful, such as 'mistakes' begin to occur or surrounding bias
is suddenly unmasked and you will be discriminated against by this
hidden political network. that is actually good, because it reveals
what otherwise is unseen. if you can take the hit and keep on moving,
that is a win, not a loss.

the problem is: when everyone is wearing a mask as their form of
engagement, that distance also is a protective boundary. in a civil
(standoff) scenario like this, front line volunteers are needed to be
a first wave and stand against the oppression. and this requires
accepting the fact that you may or will get hurt in some way- this in
very soft terms, most probably, unless vulnerable. so if you are
demographically strong, your strength protects you against an easy
takedown. also, if you have connections, like a strong family support
network that provides protection, including monetary support, so that
you can push back against any power-based incrimination or defaming of
character via gossip or whisper campaigns, these probably inescapable

(if you are going to wage war you need people willing to fight, people
who can overcome their fear of getting hurt for the larger gains that
can be made by taking on the opponent -- actions should not be limited
to zones where no harm occurs, because then it is easy to rationalize
doing nothing is the safest route, and that is where the power of the
status quo has its edge, by defining and protecting and defending that
boundary based on fear and timidity)

it is not a situation where no one will get hurt, and participants
will be guaranteed to get medals and A's on their report cards.
something probably will happen to those who first participate, the
beast will start breathing around their vicinity and things will
change. and yet, if a group or individuals can go into it and survive
and weather the situation, within a perfectly legal framework, no
subversion or ill intent, then the law should be a protection against
any such threats or illegal manipulations, given you are not entirely
alone and can be setup or framed and taken down in isolation*

*(what if an elderly person who lives in a nursing home participates,
goes into the park and joins a sing along or a dance in front of the
cameras -- will their medical mistake soon occur and they die of a
wrong dosage or quickly pass due to unaccountable error? this is the
reality of the political situation and how it cascades into other
areas, no hyperbole. it is real, it is happening, via secret channels
and connections that carry out such hidden actions)
what if, for instance, someone went up with a flash light and sent a
morse code signal during the night into the network as communication,
or in the day time used placards as if a dylan rolling stone video,
and used the surveillence stage for conveying poetry or a perspective
of cultural importance. or, that as parade is planned and a community
marches before the surveillance cameras as if showing off their
military gear to a hidden and remote emperor.

then it was realized there is more to this situation than just
performance art or other activity on the stage of surveillance,
instead, as pattern matching is concerned -- it has a holiday
dimension to it...

perhaps the most telling thing about the meekness of the present day
is that there are no costumes with people as surveillance cameras --
the biggest joke of them all. that is, dressed entirely in black, and
having a black hat or cap with a mock-surveillance camera or webcam
attached. the more plastic and standardized the better, though perhaps
homemade would need to occur first.

it could signify many things simultaneously... that there is a
competing human surveillance network that is surveilling the
surveillers, or observing the observers who will be held accountable
for their crimes. likewise, people wearing Google Glass are basically
the same thing, yet a privatized surveillance network of citizens who
will be monitoring other citizens every day of the year, wherever they
are. it is not a costume- it is the real thing.

the difference is that the all black simple yet ubiquitous holiday
costume is for human interests, and of a public dimension, while this
is not the case for the private version which feeds everything back
into a private hidden framework where it can be and is being
exploited, beyond citizen interests and accountability for how this
information is collected, collated, and used against citizens as part
of this larger societal oppression that is surveillance as an
political ideology, as a basis for social control and engineering a
ruling class based on exploiting secrets and blackmailing and
blacklisting opponents

Google Glass is the citizen watchdog program taken to the extreme,
becoming distributed citizen monitoring of one group of citizens by
another via a remotely connected, distributed surveillance
infrastructure that becomes 'identity' itself- the perspective or
viewpoint is firstly technological, as the social relation, and within
that framework and dimensions -- it is Google-as-citizen, yet they
have more rights than every other non-corporate citizen, it is thus
their society and their country, we are merely living in it,
temporarily, until phased out

Catch Pranksters on Halloween Night with a DIY Surveillance Pumpkin

so, why stop at Halloween when things are hilarious...

why not have a national and international Surveillance Day on the
calendar, perhaps removing thanksgiving in the U.S. for this and
replacing it with thanks to the state... even further, why not finally
remove the pretense of Presidents day and finally rename it "Eternal
President Day" to ground the holiday calendar in the realism it
deserves as a basis for shared awareness- or if really going for it:
Crypto-Dictatorship Day

Hell, maybe there could even be a Backdoors Day, or make it week, or
month, or year-long or multi-year festival, as this relates to
security, secrecy, privacy, and the failed and corrupt state in its
sideological and standardized maldevelopment.

there are likely other suggestions for potential holidays and it would
be worthwhile to consider how Valentines could turn into Free Porn Day
or Mother's Day into "Hate Her" day, to finally reflect the fact that
women are treated equivalent to toilet paper in this failed society
and destroyed civilization.

what more is there to say. oh yeah-- "The Binary Crypto Regime is the
bullshit" holiday! -- that is every day of the year...

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