SRF: crypticl (ii)

brian carroll electromagnetize at
Sun Oct 20 21:35:54 PDT 2013

> Show me the man and I will find you the crime.

here is an example of these dynamics...

say you are living in a surveillance society ruled by a hidden and
malicious yet bounded dictatorship, so its malcious actions must be
stealthy to break the illusion that a democracy has fallen into
private despotism (which explains alot)...

and so there are people who are politically oppressed who are
targeted. say black bag jobs, censorship, bugs in your walls, active
hostile monitoring and abuse and harassment as feedback. yet this also
occurs in a context of 'private psychology' of the oppressors that is
separated from the state, its beliefs, constitution, etc.

knowing this, a person may live in a fishbowl that is routinely
disrupted and their life not allowed to develop due to these
conditions, essentially an open-air prison and only a matter of time
and further political consolidation before extinction.

that the oppressors have a A=B mindset then could allow a false
perspective to be constructed, validating a sign=sign belief of the
oppressors, thus establishing a boundary that confirms their
ideological viewpoint of a given situation (reversing perspective, or
reversing the panopticon). prisoners monitoring the guards, etc.

so, a person may pursue the age-old, time worn, and time-tested
Bearded Lady at the Circus routine, in this given context. and this
event could confirm or ground to certain preconceived notions and
views of the hidden observers, who seek to exploit this *hidden* data
they are gathering and distributing via illegal surveillence. (in
doing so, allowing their activities and distribution channels and
political networks to themselves be thoroughly mapped...)

Bearded Lady at the Circus

so suddenly the secret network has its valuable data to frame a person
with, they could even work to "out them" as a result and this could be
monitored by an inmate, as to what tactics and techniques are used,
and where the ideology begins and ends. that is, if beliefs are
verified by matching patterns (in this sense: pT = pT), then it is
equated with grounded truth (B=B), even though it could be only an
illusion. or bounded within certain dimensionality or thresholds.

so imagine the Dictator and their political groupies have such hidden
data on someone and it could even be presented as if a crime, say for
a corollary example, and that their release of such data is a threat
that in its actualization would secure their victory-- their "true
belief" that rationalizes and finitely determines events in their
favor would be fully established by discrediting and criminalizing
opponents to despotism.

this occurs on the assumption that they can control the parameters by
which an event is evaluated, such that a [event] in their limited
framework would automatically tally into their calculation of
universal truth (A=A), though this is based on bad faith and
exploitation of truth to serve the observers, firstly, and thus they
are "truth" and "law" and so forth. what is not accounted for in their
private relativistic psychology is that the situation could be
accounted for from all angles, as an ['event'], and that in this
reframing from their limited self-serving viewpoint, a
recontexualization could involve them and prove their involvement in
this event, so they are not outside of it nor able to control its
interpretation, and instead are in a model of the situation beyond
their determination over it, via empirical analysis of the total

thus for instance if someone broke the legs of a child and kept this
out of their observational equation, and then yelled and blamed the
child for not being able to run, and even demands that they run with
broken legs, the observer could say the child is not running because
they are lazy or weak, not accounting for the injuries and malice. yet
an external viewpoint could account for the breaking of the legs of
the child by the observer, which is not accounted for in their
self-serving viewpoint, due to its inherent biasing to a given
interpretation, which could even be subconscious or covert, *hidden*
or encrypted in the psyche of a silent running sleeper agent who has
done terrible things yet plausibly can deny this because they are able
to separate or compartmentalize this truth from their conscious
belief, unless pressured enough to make errors, where A=B dynamics
appear and must be resolved to reestablish psychic equilibrium, or it
is a dangerous existence that only gets more polarized and in this
way, increasingly schizoid as the world does not align with a
worldview which becomes fragmented and at odds with itself in its
onesided, conflicted reasoning

in this way, the previous example of a hidden dictator having
incriminating evidence could be viewed as their "sure thing" that is
going to bring down an opponent, this as it relates to the drug war
for most people in the depths, likely, as one instance of many
approaches to blackmail and takedowns. the threat of imprisonment, or
assassination if you are lucky, etc. and yet that limited perspective
is ungrounded in the larger situation, reliant on a false perspective
to establish such dynamics, power, control over events and their
hidden interpretation and secret determination. this pT=T worldview of
the dictator makes assumptions that are not wholly true nor accurate
about other observers and their observations, because a false
perspective could also be established for the dictator- so that things
*appear* a certain way via feedback (B=B) yet that this is not
actually the truth of what is going on, beyond that limited and
controlled despotic boundary. it is an illusion, a fantasy detached
from empirical reality - yet allowed, and thereby enables a pattern
match between what is believed and what is seen, for the ungrounded
true believers of despotic ideology.

in other words, another reality (A=A) could exist in this same
situation, albeit within different parameters, co-existing yet silent
as a parallel yet _grounded reality.

thus it really comes down to an issue of accounting for truth and how
it is modeled, both in terms of observations yet importantly,
critically- how the observers are themselves accounted for in their
evaluations and claims. empirical truth removed of falsity (T) is a
different perspective than relativistic pseudo-truth (pT) that
includes and relies upon errors and to justify given viewpoints that
equate with 'true beliefs'. there should be no allowance for such
structural bias, distortion, warping, and skew of observation in terms
of justice. error is essentially falsity in this 1 and 0 model, and it
is not arbitrary, nor can denial of absolute truth disallow such

key to this is 'belief' that is ungrounded, whereby "belief=belief"
establishes truth (pT), instead of grounded belief that is empirically
true (T). the former maps onto the individual or group that contains a
worldview or viewpoint that is equated with truth, yet this is
actually themselves that they are believing in, serving. their belief
in truth is their belief in their own infallibility, their own ability
to determine truth. it is about an observer whose mere act of
ungrounded observation is ideologically believed to be a 1:1
correspondance with truth, as patterns match their biased viewpoints,
and justify their correctness, thus allowing a self-righteous mindset
inside of a protected finite boundary, that then has an internal model
that is relativistic, 2-value, and not observant of unagreeable facts
or reality or truth beyond this self-interested boundary.

this essentially becomes a demographic of people who are *unbelievers*
in truth outside their own viewpoints. this is insanely dangerous and
violent ignorance. they happen to have taken over government to, as
the private corps of the dictator.

*believers* are those, in contrast, who defer to truth, recognize it
beyond their limited boundary, via logical reasoning, and observe of
views of events in their truth and do not seek to censor and shut down
valid observations or make it conform to their limited worldview in
order for it to be allowed or accepted as truth, only if it serves
their self-interest or does not threaten their worldview and "belief
system" or private religion (of self as if creator).

so ungrounded observers could believe a partial-truth is universal
even though warped and a false perspective, while grounded observers
could know this and could have prepared a bounary condition that
allows for this as an illusion, by ceding ~ground as it were,
unaccounted for observations and activities that are effectively
unnatural or virtual and tentative - lacking actual feedback to not
spoil the illusion, and therefore a gigantic bubble-reality could
exist surrounding and inside of this dictatorship where 'the reality'
that is believed to exist is not actually real, and a given event
could puncture the illusion and remap all events into a different,
more accurate framework.

in this way, 'the crime' that may be believed absolute truth in the
self-serving viewpoint, not accounted for beyond the corrupt
evaluation and biased interpretation, could function differently than
expected for the dictator, whose goal is to play this as part of their
winning hand...

and thus if they have incriminating evidence, for instance, of the
[crime], say it is of a closeted transvestite who is a male-lesbian,
this could be their ace in the hole to play against an adversary as
part of a game-winning strategy, wrongly believed equivalent to "burst
the bubble" on the other side via politically exploiting the

and so their poker hand could be a ROYAL FLUSH, the secret evidence
the [ace], with King, Queen, Jack, and Ten cards lined up across all
suits in all directions, as if a universal winning hand, owning the
table and every player.

yet there is another possibility-- the ['ace'] could actually be the
lowest card, instead of the highest as believed. and thus it could be
equivalent to a 1-card, king (2), queen (3), jack (4), ten (5),
whereby the metaphysics of the game are different than expected. this
is because 'the crime' could be interpreted beyond the self-serving
limiting viewpoint and account for the role of the dicator in
establishing the context for the crimes and involving in the
criminality while seeking to judge other sin these same terms. how
much hypocrisy can an entity contain, how much psychopathy, malice and
ultimately: falsehood.

it then becomes a dare. if they release their evidence it can be
turned against them, especially with massive external evidence they
are not even aware of, showing the direct involvement in oppression of
the citizens of the state by the hidden dictatorship and those who
serve it. and then it would be possible to account for other truth
beyond the limited dimensions used as *threats* and as a basis for
actual violence and oppression, harassment and even TORTURE of
citizens, in these terms, to secure the false worldview as if
'reality' itself, yet in a private framework that only serves a
specific group at the expense of everyone, for that epically wicked

it is thus about how the truth is accounted for, in an ungrounded
pattern-matched evaluation of relativistic [signs] in an agreed upon
private political evaluation, or of the ['truth'] involved throughout
the signs and language and claims and beliefs and grounded
observations, in a single shared model of empirical truth, of the
given events.

without a free press (crypto.corrupted) that is extremely difficult,
because their view is what scales easiest as an alternative viewpoint.
and thus there is silence. though the dictator may believe or _feel
this equates with acquiescence, affirming the rightness of their
secret yet harmful rule. and it does not. it matters where the lines
are drawn as to how this situation is perceived. and to be honest-
these people are truly stupid, they have a limited intellectual
capacity to deal with this situation and so that is easily exploited.
yet the continuation of an illusion does not mean safety. and the
tension in the air as things polarize will only be more and more

the best move by the dictator would be to make the attack, make the
claim, bring the charges- arrest the perpetrator, bring the issue to
public trial instead of secret judge, jury, executioner. it would
validate the hardness, virility of their truth, as it corresponds with
an extended sentence for the crime as portrayed.

yet the failure to achieve this-- the faulty approach or
unsubstantiated case or contrary evidence would instead shrink this
"sure thing" should the approach fail, and political impotence and
total loss of power and legitimacy would result in not succeeding in
the normal channels. the fraudulent case and viewpoint would collapse
as its interpretation goes beyond the boundary of the accuser, to
involve the accuser of deep involvement in this and vast many other
crimes against the human citizenry. so they would be on trial if they
should bring a case and the collapse of government and their rule over
it would be accounting for in any such legal deliberations.

likewise, doing nothing brings impotence likewise as the false
worldview is folded back upon itself into smaller and smaller
territories of self-controlled belief, as the views once shared are
fragmented and disconnected in their operational cohensiveness, and
thus this particilized constituency would find itself outside the
prevailing view which it cannot share or understand due to limits
resulting from self-corruption and ideological conformance, and belief
in superiority they now have to rationalize in polarized, contested,
and very likely in fighting terms, with those they have oppressed by
their ignorance and malicious intent. those most active and powerful
will be weakened by outside comparison, even appearing foolish to
themselves as irrationalism takes hold and madness sets in, once
realizing their awful predicament

in this way, while things could appear to /certainly/ be moving from A
to B, given a series of moves, in a more complex environment an
inversion could have taken place that recontextualizes the ground upon
which these events take place, and at a critical juncture, a decisive
moment could arrive where TRUTH=FALSITY for the other oppressive
observer, where the binary worldview completely collapses into its
opposite framework where only partial truth (pT) is allowed to be
validated in a shared POV and that the evaluation goes beyond the
given controlling constraints, thus allowing parallel observation via
human identity as the shared empirical perspective, versus an
ungrounded false perspective reliant on lies, falsehood, errors, to
serve a private view and constituency to the ruin of the earth, life,
and humanity

there are no odds. there is only truth and its accounting. anything
less is tyranny.


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