<nettime> Pascal Zachary: Rules for the Digital Panopticon (IEEE)

morlockelloi at yahoo.com morlockelloi at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 11 10:27:50 PDT 2013

This realization per se is pretty much useless, as are endless
ruminations regarding how free we were, once upon time. The old
Marxist postulate that awareness will save the species is blatantly
false - look around you.

These technologies came to rule the world because their proponents
made coherent efforts to make it so. The only way to do something
about it is to actively develop other technologies which tilt the
balance in the direction you like better. Countering technology with
words, laws and general awareness will get you nowhere. See 'bronze

The corollary is that the future belongs to the few, not to the
masses, because high tech is centralized by nature, as it requires
understanding, and those capabilities are scarce. The rest are fucked
... I mean 'users'.

There are only competing elites.

> NSA at all. It is about the dawning realization that we all now live
> inside a "virtual" system that compels us to *control* ourselves,
> since all the details of our lives are being "remembered," in a way
> that no *human* civilization has EVER even imagined it could do!

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