[Cryptography][Law] Jeremy Hammond Banned from using Cryptography

Dan Staples danstaples at disman.tl
Sat Nov 16 07:50:08 PST 2013

I hope you realize I was making a point about the challenges of
ex-felons in general, and not making a judgment on Hammond. He is
obviously brilliant and courageous, and many activists with the
ability to hire employees would be more than willing to help and
employ him when he gets out...

Witnessing his sentencing yesterday was physically sickening, and
definitely the worst abuse of our "justice" system I've ever seen. I
can only hope it inspires, rather than intimidates, other activists
and hackers to continue the type of work that he did.


On 11/16/2013 01:12 AM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
>> The only exception in the sentence is his use of encryption as
>> required by employment. But it's hard enough for ex-felons to
>> find a job after getting released as it is...
> I would hire him in a flat second and I would encourage others to
> do the same.
> Jeremy has a good heart and a great mind - I hope that after TEN
> YEARS IN PRISON for breeching a WEBSITE and EMAIL SERVER that
> people will consider his time served and help him to re-enter
> society.
> This sentence is so disproportionate and unjust, it is sickening,
> it is revolting and it is infuriating.
> With contempt and disgust for this show at the US Court system
> today, Jacob

OpenPGP key: http://disman.tl/pgp.asc
Fingerprint: 2480 095D 4B16 436F 35AB 7305 F670 74ED BD86 43A9

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