[liberationtech] A tool for encrypted laptops

Tom Ritter tom at ritter.vg
Mon Mar 25 08:57:16 PDT 2013

Hi all - at the risk of shilling, my company has released an Open
Source tool called "You'll Never Take Me Alive".  If your encrypted
laptop has its screen locked, and is plugged into power or ethernet,
the tool will hibernate your laptop if either of those plugs are
removed.  So if you run out for lunch, or leave it unattended (but
plugged in) at starbucks, and someone grabs your laptop and runs,
it'll hibernate to try to thwart memory attacks to retrieve the disk
encryption key. Not foolproof, but something simple and easy.

It the moment it only supports Bitlocker, but support for Truecrypt is
coming[0].  If you have suggestions - add them to the github issues



[0] https://github.com/iSECPartners/yontma/issues/5
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