[ZS] Looking for Zero state input - Google glasses and the pirate party movement's relationship with privacy

Chris Monteiro c.monteiro at pirateparty.org.uk
Sun Mar 17 15:53:14 PDT 2013

Hi All

Below is an email I just fired off to pirate party international general
mailing list. It covers the emergence of google glasses and how having a
pro 'privacy' stance is increasingly a unintuitive term to use to describe
pirate party policies.

I was wondering how Zero State had or had not tackled describing the
freedom of of its citizens (what I've hastily referred to as 'peer to peer
privacy') against the privacy from traditional corporations/governments? Is
the framework for Zero State so robust that no one needs protecting from
it, or does this simply reflect the fact that there are so few structures
within Zero State that one might require protection from, that this
apparent contradiction has not yet been addressed?

Apologies if I'm mischaracterised the movement in this question - but if
you've an existing plan to tackle this dicotomy I'd love to hear it :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Monteiro <c.monteiro at pirateparty.org.uk>
Date: 17 March 2013 22:41
Subject: Google glasses and the pirate party movement's relationship with
To: pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net

Hi all

If one were to draw a Venn diagram between 'people who think Google glasses
are cool' and 'pirate party supporters', you would have a large section of
overlap between the two.

That said, I think it's about time we start carefully describing the
*in privacy types - because what is privacy but another form of
intellectual property?, e.g. we advocate:
* Privacy from government snooping/profiling without appropriate civil
rights oversights
* Privacy from corporations holding (and losing!) data without consumer

Yet the 'peer to peer' consumer led privacy that Google glasses are
accelerating the cause of, is of a different sort and already falling in
this camp we have:
* Photographer's freedoms to take video/pictures of public places/events
* The rights to share private information of relevant to international
civil rights interests (e.g. wikileaks)
* The decriminalisation of file sharing of privately copyrighted works via
effectively public channels

I apologise if this comparison has flaws, but is only designed as an

Anyhow, on to the topic at hand, Google glasses, score one for the
consumers or one for the corporations? I think the answer is 'a bit of
both', and I expect the governments will be planning the act of
requisitioning user data recordings from cloud storage vendors as they have
with phones, browsing histories, emails etc very soon.

I expect tech savvy pirates have seen the beginning of the anti google
glasses movement (yes, I'm calling it a movement already) with:
* Banning from pubs
* Speculation that it'll be banned in further ways
* Concerns specifically about corporate/government control of the
technology, excepting individual privacy issues

My suggestion is that we move towards language that somehow differentiates:
* Privacy-from-governments/corporations covering the first set of 'privacy'
* What I've heard labeled 'individual freedom to think *what and how* we
want', of which encompass the individual rights over data.

More memorable terms may be needed though.

It's important that the pirate parties remain on the right side of emerging
privacy issues and don't get caught up with existing statements endorsing
unnecessary corporate/government control via support of consumer
technologies - whilst ideally having sufficiently coherent principles that
can be applied by non-technology specialists to new challenges tomorrow's
privacy challenge brings.

Does anyhow want to work with me to identify this appropriate language for
pirate party usage?

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