[drone-list] Syria next?

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Sun Mar 17 16:03:44 PDT 2013

Has there been examination about the more the US uses lethal drones overseas
the more likely IEDs or other asymmetrical weapons will be employed in the US
and allies, including plethora of makeshift CBRN (+Digital)?

Or are drones the bait being dangled for just that consequence? Recall the
military view that 9/11 was a pinprick not a serious attack worthy of mighty
military reaction, more a police matter. Perhaps useful as a provocation
for increased funding and churning.

Perhaps drones are as useful as hacks to instigate fire-up idling machinery
of warfare facing dismantline by looming budgtary reductions. Oh, right,
like 9/11 conspiracy theorists doomsay.

Curious, that so little is heard about how to beat the drones although there
must be copious of counter-drone studies in the military think tanks. Oh, 
national security restricted.

At 06:37 PM 3/17/2013, you wrote:
> <http://articles.latimes.com/print/2013/mar/15/world/la-fg-cia-syria-20130316>http://articles.latimes.com/print/2013/mar/15/world/la-fg-cia-syria-20130316

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