[drone-list] Beltway bandits fly armed drones

Al Mac Wow macwheel99 at wowway.com
Tue Mar 5 13:38:17 PST 2013

In our studies of drone crashes, we found multiple instances where the armed
drone was being flown by personnel, sub-contracted to the US military, to
carry out the warfare.  This was logical, given the large volume of
sub-contractors used in recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Now comes journalism investigation into how widespread the military use of
drones is really by sub-contractors, and not US armed forces, nor NATO
allies, nor CIA personnel, nor equivalent personnel of the intelligence
agencies of our allies.  This may be a violation of US government policies,
easily changed to retroactively permit this stuff.  It might not violate UK
rules, but implementation may be contributing to excessive crashes.



Britain supposedly has just as many drone strikes in Afghanistan as the USA,
so maybe a UK drone did the mysterious Pakistan Feb 6+8 strikes?



Al Mac = Alister William Macintyre

2013 Feb I become temporarily famous:


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