[HacDC:Byzantium] byzantium-v0.3a-RC-20130129-1012

The Doctor drwho at virtadpt.net
Wed Jan 30 09:24:47 PST 2013

Hash: SHA1

> How can I prove that the mesh is operating and that other nodes
> are acceding to and seceding from the mesh?

Associate a client of some kind, like another laptop or a smartphone,
with the mesh.  Ping it.  Try to browse it.  Plug the mesh node into a
hardline and try to browse the Net with the client.  Look at the
network configuration of the client (IP address, DNSes, default gateway).

> I would like to see some window that lists the nodes within range.

Open a feature request at Github so it's on our radar.  It'll get lost
in the mailing list archives.

> I would like to do something on one computer that I can see
> mirrored on another computer within the mesh.

Put multiple clients on the mesh.  Run a web server on one (like XAMP)
and try to browse it.  There is nothing preventing clients from
interacting with one another directly.

> At this stage of development, I want to test the internal operation
> of the mesh before connecting it to the Internet via a gateway.

Ping?  Traceroute?  tcpdump?

> From the casual user perspective it isn't obvious what Byzantium
> is doing or offering.

Did you look at the release notes (/RELEASE_NOTES.txt) or the Github
page (https://github.com/Byzantium/Byzantium/blob/master/README.md)?

"THIS IS ALSO A VERY SPECIAL RELEASE! We built this release in the
days following Hurricane Sandy and deployed it in New York City. We've
streamlined it a lot..."

We built this release when we were in New York to serve a specific
purpose: infrastructure.  The community's goal was to restore
connectivity and not specific services, so we removed a lot of things
from this release to facilitate that.

We took some features out - this helped us make layers 1-4 of the OSI
model as robust as we possibly could while in the field.  This release
is meant to maintain momentum, and now that we have a robust platform
to build on we can start adding things back at the higher layers in v0.4a.

- -- 
The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS|Media]
Developer, Project Byzantium: http://project-byzantium.org/

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"Don't try to talk me out of it, Billy, we're going bowling!"
- --Stetmeyer, _Misfits of Science_

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