[drone-list] TechJect Dragonfly

Gregory Foster gfoster at entersection.org
Fri Jan 11 09:55:13 PST 2013

   Following up on this thread, TechJect just closed out their Indiegogo
   campaign, which aimed to raise $110,000 dollars to cover their initial
   manufacturing goals.
   They raised $1,142,523.

   On 11/10/12 12:42 AM, Tim McNamara wrote:

     The military applications of this are silent surveillance and
     reconnaissance within buildings. The model they're selling here only
     weighs a few grams and probably couldn't sustain weaponry in the
     payload. The dragonfly design appears to be extremely agile, though
     and I guess there's nothing preventing larger models.
     The video seems to be actively soliciting sales from the
     intelligence and defence communities.

   Tim McNamara
   [2]@timClicks | [3]timmcnamara.co.nz
   On 10 November 2012 19:34, Gregory Foster <[4]gfoster at entersection.org>

   IEEE Spectrum (Nov 8) - "Somehow an Incredible Robotic Dragonfly is Now
   on Indiegogo":
   From the article:
   So, uh, yeah, who are these guys and where did this thing come from?
   Well, the company, TechJect, is a spinoff from Georgia Tech's Robotics
   & Intelligent Machines Lab, and their robotic dragonfly has already
   been funded, with a million dollars (!) from the US Air Force Office of
   Scientific Research. I dunno what sort of super secret laser canon
   totin' version of this robot the USAF is currently playing around with,
   but the specs of the robot Dragonflies that are being offered on
   Indiegogo are pretty damn impressive.
   HT @mathewi

Gregory Foster || [8]gfoster at entersection.org
@gregoryfoster <> [9]http://entersection.com/


   1. http://www.indiegogo.com/robotdragonfly/x/1736250?c=home
   2. http://twitter.com/timClicks
   3. http://timmcnamara.co.nz/
   4. mailto:gfoster at entersection.org
   5. http://spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/robotics/robotics-hardware/somehow-an-incredible-robotic-dragonfly-is-now-on-indiegogo
   6. http://www.techject.com/
   7. http://twitter.com/mathewi/status/267145657226252291
   8. mailto:gfoster at entersection.org
   9. http://entersection.com/

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