Avaaz in "grave danger" due to GMail spam filters

rysiek rysiek at hackerspace.pl
Sun Aug 18 14:48:58 PDT 2013


I happen to be on Avaaz's info distribution list, and I got an e-mail lately 
that Avaaz is in "grave danger" as GMail will now filter mailings like that 
out to a separate folder for similar spam-ish (yet not spam per se) mailings.

So what they're asking people to do is to reply directly to that e-mail, so 
that GMail will note that Avaaz's mailings are not to be messed around with.

Instead of telling people, you know, to decentralise and use other, smaller 

I facepalmed so hard I could cry. It's Stockholm Syndrome if I ever saw one. 
"GMail fucks us in the arse, so let's ask them politely to use some 

My question is: does *anybody* on this list have some kind of contact within 
Avaaz? I'd *love* to talk to them about it. It's simply disingenuous to do 
such a campaign and *not* at least signal "oh and by the way, had we all been 
still using different, dispersed, decentralised e-mail services we wouldn't 
get even close to having this problem".

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