"we can't possibly kill everyone who wants to harm us" but trying is "a necessary part of what we do"

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Thu Oct 25 08:24:36 PDT 2012

Greenwald's over-heated rhetoric reminds of Assange rushing
from a staff meeting about his disdain of practicality while
claiming melodramatically he has "two wars to fight."

Greenwald has zero comprehension of the machinery,
tactics, logistics, manpower, funding of large-scale warmaking.
And only a bit of the "laws of war." Instead, he maneuvers
media quotations in battle array, tabletop war gaming like
think tank epicenes -- like litigators facilely fuming for the jury.

Drones have become the new encryption fad wherein coders,
bloggers and journalists believe themselves empowered to
engage in global political struggles with mastery of coding
combat and rhetorical war fighting about toy aircraft while
the mass killing devices are ignored hovering over the
little planes, protecting their airspace.

Recall the delirium when it was bruited that encryption was
a munitons right up there with ICBMs, aircraft carriers, B52s
and Abrams tanks. Recall Tor as a valiant tool to liberate
communications for freedom fighter though meticulously
surveilled and protected by full spectrum dominance of
US military might.

Drones are being treated like the toys of Bob the Builder,
simulacra of horrific slaughtering machines, but at a scale
an armchair warrior can believe in just like the arm-chaired
drone operators, and, coders breaking Big Balls a the
desktop, or more recently, Anonymous and Lulzsec panicking
the giant corporations -- or so the rhetoricians exult.

Fine, let them playact being adults "fighting wars" while killing
and maiming by means beyond their control continue to expand
their mass targetings and consume even greater portions of
the world's economy.

Corresponding to the rise in militarism is the avid participation
in futile opposition by those with no direct experience in
brutal warfare but rely upon quoting each other's baseless
rhetoric of opposition to seduce readers and fans just like
them who play war games in media, on consoles, in code and in
complicit cowardice to take no physical action against warmakers
amply protected by freedom of expression.

Lawful they always remain caged by ineffective taunts and
rhetorical braggardy. Formulaic for writers, algorithmic for
security coders. Hands always out for the king's coin.

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