[cryptography] can the German government read PGP and ssh traffic?

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Fri May 25 09:44:08 PDT 2012

On Fri, 25 May 2012 17:23, marsh at extendedsubset.com said:

> Perhaps someone who knows German can better interpret it.

What they likely mean is traffic analysis and that for example the
Subject in mails is not encrypted.  For SSH my guess is that they were
able to break accounts by brute force password cracking.  Which is not a
surprise given that many SSH users believe that ssh automagically make
their root account save and continue to use their lame passwords instead
of using PK based authentication.

The whole thing is the usual disinformation by German secret services at
a parliamentarian investigation committee.  This committee is about
German secret services snooping on mail bleaving and entering the
countryb.  They seem to use those old Echelon like word lists (sampling
20% of all mails using a list of 16400 different words).  Nothing new
and likely a copy of what the NSA does for years.  For the fun part, we
may still be able to annoy them with spooky MIME boundaries.



Die Gedanken sind frei.  Ausnahmen regelt ein Bundesgesetz.

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