[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Unstable Image 2012.0629 Available

Nick M. Daly nick.m.daly at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 19:16:49 PDT 2012

Hi folks, welcome to the fourth weekly FreedomBox test image and progress 

This image is designed to allow anyone to test the current state of the 
FreedomBox.  However, it's not yet a complete privacy solution, so you 
should rely on other, more established, solutions until we produce a stable 
release.  This is not a stable or complete release.

The image is available at:



Tonight's image was produced with:

   $ make weekly-card

The image includes several FreedomBox-related projects.  The changes are 
changes made by project contributors in the last week that have made it 
into the test image.  The outstanding TODOs are the changes needed before 
the beta-release is complete.  If you'd like to contribute in any way, fork 
and send me a pull request.

Freedom Maker: https://github.com/nickdaly/freedom-maker


   - The weekly card is now a make target.

   Outstanding TODOs:

   - Build the first run config/setup.
   - The setup process generates keys for user.
   - Setup generates keys for the box itself.
   - Turn DHCP on by default (on first boot).
   - Enable Wireless Access Point (WAP) by default.

Plinth: https://github.com/nickdaly/plinth


 - Santiago (FreedomBuddy) gained a UI and JSON output.

 Outstanding TODOs:

 - Turn DHCP on/off through Plinth
 - Select DHCP or Static IP in Plinth
 - Integrate basic OpenVPN settings into Plinth
 - Integrate Dnsmasq into Plinth
 - Point "fbx" and "freedombox" URLs to the Plinth UI
 - Integrate FreedomBuddy into Plinth.
 - Hook FreedomBuddy into OpenVPN.
 - Hook FreedomBuddy into SSH.

FreedomBox Privoxy: https://github.com/nickdaly/freedombox-privoxy

 Outstanding TODOs:

 - Privoxy should use the released HTTPS Everywhere regexp.
 - Add enabling and disabling Privoxy to the Plinth UI.

PlugServer Setup: https://bitbucket.org/nickdaly/plugserver

 Outstanding TODOs:

 - Integrate into Freedom Maker.

With SQLite: https://github.com/nickdaly/withsqlite

 No known TODOs, this is complete.

Errata:  - The Freedom Maker version on the card doesn't have the  
weekly-card changes, because I was testing it by building the card.  I 
didn't really feel like rebuilding the entire card after it worked the 
first time.  - Tom Galloway contributed a FreedomBuddy SSH VPN service that 
I didn't have time to integrate into this week's image. 

Thanks for your time,

Freedombox-discuss mailing list
Freedombox-discuss at lists.alioth.debian.org

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