Why we all have a stake in the Freedom of the Press Foundation

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Tue Dec 18 05:02:58 PST 2012

A worthy initiative for the press.

Unfortunately press is only one means of freedom of expression,
speech, writing, demonstration, opposition, dissent and creative
trouble-making-- and hardly objective due to its commercial
objective and very loud-mouth, conceit, craven to power and
vanity bred by constituional protection of its risk-averse cartel.
Press has generated too many fortunes to be singled out for
crowd-sourced support.

Freedom of the Press is way too limiting, but then that is the
nature of its organizers and board members. The rich ones
in particular are notabably uninvolved in acitivities that
would threaten their wealth and freedom to lord it over
the poor fans being urged to crowd-fund just like venal
politicians who also adore the press for amplifying their
campaigns for dumping crocks of shit on the public.

Far better would be for a huge increase in disorganized
initiatives of the unruly crowd far from being controlled
and exploited by lucrative investment in "crowd-sourcing."

Watch out for the crowd-sourcing predators driving the
market in the cloud, the latest invention for spying on
and profiling the public for marketing profits.

Dan Gillmor has been had by his friends, at best, at
worst, complicit in the  market boosting deception
of obedient crowds.

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