[ZS] Project RES: #cryptoparties

Bryce Lynch virtualadept at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 19:24:57 PDT 2012

In response to Australia's new data rentention laws, Telecomix has
begun spreading the meme and organizing cryptoparties - parties at
which privacy, anonymity, and cryptographic technologies are taught to
all and sundry - around the world.  I would recommend that, as part of
the privacy and anonymity parts of RES everyone look around for
cryptoparties being held in their local areas and attending to receive
training.  I'm organizing one in the DC metroplex, most likely at
HacDC for early September.

Realtime updates: https://twitter.com/#!/search/?q=%23CryptoParty&src=hash

The wiki is a little thin at the moment but people are beginning to
capture information about local parties there:

The Doctor [412/724/301/703] [ZS]
"I am everywhere."

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