[tor-talk] Tor as ecommerce platform

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 04:23:46 PDT 2012

> 4. Tor and hidden services are good enough for an ecommerce platform.

Be careful the words... this is like saying the US Gov is doing great
at preventing 'terrorist' attacks simply because there haven't been any.

And although I might trust Tor, it's not wise to trust a GPA such
as the NSA, nor its supposed restriction on communicating
with law enforcement etc against SR. Even without that, it's pretty
easy to presume some reverse mail covers against the sellers
are in effect. SR's only been around for a year or two. It takes
at least that long for any really big sealed case to go down in
public. So we truly must wait much longer in order to presume
the statement in (4) is true.

>> Perhaps the Silk Road people should donate to Tor. Perhaps they
>> should fund hidden service improvements in Tor. Perhaps both.

> I doubt that the Tor Project will ever acknowledge such support.

Tor cannot accept known 'illegal' money, therefore acknowledgement
is moot. About the best Tor could do is be able to accept anonymous
donations in the first place. Then publish a bitcoin address for donations
from anyone. Then surely some unaffiliated and helpful bird would send
to SR the links to that address and to this thread.

Not sure, but I think at one point Tor accepted bitcoin, but then recanted.

Link to paper: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1207.7139v1
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