[cryptography] kernel.org hack and kernel integrity

Tim Shepard shep at alum.mit.edu
Sat Sep 3 10:16:42 PDT 2011

> Could anyone explain git's security assurances to a non-git layman?

Git internally uses the SHA-1 hash of a small header and the object
contents (file, directory, or commit message) as the internal name for
each object, and claims to check that the hash of the data still
matches the name every time it fetches the object from the underlying
file system, or pulls it over the net from another repository.

(I think the small object header is included so that the null
 directory and null source file will have different hash values.)

This is supposed to make it difficult to corrupt the content and
history stored in a git repository, because if you change anything,
the SHA-1 hash will no longer match the name.

And if you are pulling updates from an upstream repository, there's
no way to slip something by you that won't be detectable as something
changing when your downstream repository receives it.  The locally
computed summary and difference of an update really is what has
changed.  And any attempt to rewrite any part of the history that you
already had a copy of (from previous updates pulled) will not go

And with many developers pulling updates, there are many distributed
copies, and many people watching.

The commit IDs are displayed as the SHA-1 hash values, and developers
refer to particular commits by these SHA-1 hash values.   For example,
the latest commit I have from the mainline linux kernel tree that
Linus maintains is:


And anyone else who has a sufficiently-recently updated remote in their
repository can reference this commit by using this SHA-1 hash value.
(For example, "git log 9e79e3e9dd9672b37ac9412e9a926714306551fe" would
show the history of commits going backwards in time starting from this
particular commit.)

What this does is provide some technical assurance that when we talk
(communicate out-of-band) about particular versions of the linux source
tree, we can be sure that we really are talking about the same bits.
(Unless someone has managed to make use of a SHA-1 hash collision, and
AFAIK no one has yet published a SHA-1 hash collision.  Or unless
someone has corrupted the git software that one or both of us is

One thing I've been curious about is what would have to happen in the
world of git when (a) someone shows how to construct SHA-1 hash
collisions, or (b) someone shows how to consturct SHA-1 second
preimages.  There is a "repositoryformatversion = 0" in the on-disk
format.  I'm not sure if there are any other mechanisms in git storage
or communication formats for crypto hash agility.  (I expect there is
no code in git that anticipates needing crypto hash agility.)

Anyway, I hope this helps.

When I was learning git, I found the paper _Git from the bottom up_ by
John Wiegley very helpful for understanding what is going on inside


			-Tim Shepard
			 shep at alum.mit.edu
cryptography mailing list
cryptography at randombit.net

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