There.s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says

J.A. Terranson measl at
Fri May 27 20:48:29 PDT 2011

On Fri, 27 May 2011, Ted Smith wrote:

> On Thu, 2011-05-26 at 06:43 -0500, J.A. Terranson wrote:
> > Sounds like Obama hasn't just embraced Gitmo, he's embraced secret laws 
> > through "Opinions" written by flunkies of the Office of Legal Counsel as 
> > well.  
> > 
> > What a pity that a guy who we all expected would be one of history's great 
> > presidents has turned into one of history's worst embarrasments.  I would 
> > never have believed that GWB could be seen as a "moderate" standing next 
> > to Obama, but the truth is there for us all to see.   
> > 
> > So sad.
> > 
> What you mean by "we all" is "I", right?

No.  What I mean is "we all": anyone who looks can see.  I don't know 
anyone [personally] who voted for Obama (and implicitly for his "change 
platform of closing Gitmo; ending the wars; ending renditions; looking out 
for the little guy over the big corporations; the so-called "no lobbyists" 
policy - which he has ignored completely; etc.) who is not completely 
*disgusted* by what has happened: we voted for "change", and what we got 
was a spineless version of GWB, only he's a GWB with *more* wars to his 
name, and ZERO change.

Obama had a genuine mandate when he took office (with a majority in both 
houses!), and should have used that mandate to effect the changes he ran 
on - but instead, he dallied and wavered until he eventually cost his 
party their majorities, and cost himself credibility.  How can anyone take 
*anything* Obama says seriously, when we have already been shown 
(repeatedly) that he is little more than a serial liar who is completely, 
*100%* OWNED, by the very corporations and special interests he campaigned 

Now he's trying to abolish the 2ad by using a treaty which even KKKlinton 
refused to touch - selling it under the false premise that it is the only 
way to stop the flow of weapons from the US to Mexico.  Just because 
Mexico is farther down the corruption highway than we are doesn't mean 
that we should be making fundamental changes to our country just to make 
it easier for them!

Obama is a failure.  He's been a failure from day 1.  He's a spineless 
POS, and an embarrassment to the country.  McCain was at least honest 
about his policy positions (yay for big business, to hell with the little 
guy): Obama is a hypocrite. Which is worse? Hard to say, really.

We need 3rd party representation, and I'm NOT talking about the 
Teabaggers, I'm talking about a Kucinich or Ron Paul candidacy which is 
allowed to be shown to the country via the debate process (the last 4 
election cycles have deliberately blocked these two from any meaningful 
participation.  Not that I don't understand why: if allowed to speak 
freely, openly, and to the masses, they both would have a very serious 
shot at unseating the RepubliCrat machine (which pushes the same platforms 
from both of the "mainstream parties" - one party rule has never worked in 
any [supposedly] democratic society - it's not working here either).


I hate Missouri.  Land of the free, home of the perjuriously deranged.

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